New album title

Hey - is this album meant for 2009? =)

We're trying to get it done this year, guys! There's so much that goes into it! We want to make sure that the songs are kick-ass and that the production is great. Also, we want to make sure that we find a good label that will back us and promote the album! What do you guys think of the possibility of direct downloads from Would you buy it, or do you prefer a physical cd? Let us know what you think!
We're trying to get it done this year, guys! There's so much that goes into it! We want to make sure that the songs are kick-ass and that the production is great. Also, we want to make sure that we find a good label that will back us and promote the album! What do you guys think of the possibility of direct downloads from Would you buy it, or do you prefer a physical cd? Let us know what you think!

Dude, release a cd. Hell, release an LP. there's plenty of small labels willing to sign you guys, I'd believe. And we'd be willing to buy it.
I agree, CD all the way.
Actually owning something on a CD with a nice cover artwork and lyrics is just above just having it on mp3.

My romantic opinion. ;)
I'd definitely like a CD too. I think JP's fans are for the most part pretty conservative heavy metal hamsters who need the physical thing on their shelf. The download business has many plus sides, especially from the artist's point of view but it would be kinda lame for an album collector like me. Still if you decide to go download-only I'll (grudgingly) buy it.

Maybe in addition to the downloads you could have a "special CD edition" one could order from your website? Perhaps with a poster or some other stuff thrown in. You can do perfectly good looking CDs even with home equipment these days so it wouldn't be necessary to order a run of thousands of discs from a CD factory. Just a kind of "hand-crafted" package for the hardcore fans, you could even charge a bit more for it (I know I'd pay up). For the "casual" fans (and this is not meant as an insult or anything) there'd be the downloads, for a cheaper price.
I'd definitely like a CD too. I think JP's fans are for the most part pretty conservative heavy metal hamsters who need the physical thing on their shelf. The download business has many plus sides, especially from the artist's point of view but it would be kinda lame for an album collector like me. Still if you decide to go download-only I'll (grudgingly) buy it.

Maybe in addition to the downloads you could have a "special CD edition" one could order from your website? Perhaps with a poster or some other stuff thrown in. You can do perfectly good looking CDs even with home equipment these days so it wouldn't be necessary to order a run of thousands of discs from a CD factory. Just a kind of "hand-crafted" package for the hardcore fans, you could even charge a bit more for it (I know I'd pay up). For the "casual" fans (and this is not meant as an insult or anything) there'd be the downloads, for a cheaper price.

Thanks for your input, guys! I thought you might say that (and I totally agree)! I think having a cd or even vinyl is much better. We never even considered having a "download-only" album...hell, we're already looking at artists and discussing the cover concepts! I was mainly curious how many of you are still buying cds, because almost everyone I know downloads their music and keeps it on their computers and players. Anyway, thanks again for you input and we'll keep you informed as to how everything is going!
well, they grow up in this virtual world and it's easy to just download and listen... i remember feeling excited when a new album of my fave band came out and i went to the cd store to get it , without the opportunity for a previous download ;) hearing the tracks and checking out the album inserts makes it all more worth i think... oldfashioned but the better way for sure...
you can always go copy and rip your original cd on your pc to put it on an ipod ;)

also, when you put all songs online for download the dangers for piracy are extremely high, you know... you spend a large amount of time to create and write a song, record it and all of a sudden, your income is cut in half because the songs are spread in the internet is unfair to the musicians to rip and illegally distribute their music, independent artists especially ... it's hard enough for them to make money anyway....

but this whole music piracy is a topic for itself .... there's a lot more backstory that must be included and thought about when giving opinions about the legality to download music... ;)
Piracy is always a problem but nevertheless I think that Jag Panzer fans still buy their records.

As tsorl already suggested, there could be a few extras coming with a record as an additional sales appeal...
A poster, a sticker or maybe even a cool patch might be something for a limited edition rather than for for a regular one. Maybe you could include a small media section with guitar tabs to some of the songs. How about a package of the CD and a shirt (from the new online shop, finally, hehe) for a special price?

Hm, still a long time to go and already packaging and stuff are being discussed. ;)
Piracy is always a problem but nevertheless I think that Jag Panzer fans still buy their records.

As tsorl already suggested, there could be a few extras coming with a record as an additional sales appeal...
A poster, a sticker or maybe even a cool patch might be something for a limited edition rather than for for a regular one. Maybe you could include a small media section with guitar tabs to some of the songs. How about a package of the CD and a shirt (from the new online shop, finally, hehe) for a special price?

Hm, still a long time to go and already packaging and stuff are being discussed. ;)

All great ideas! Thanks! We'll definitely keep them in mind.
We're trying to get it done this year, guys! There's so much that goes into it! We want to make sure that the songs are kick-ass and that the production is great. Also, we want to make sure that we find a good label that will back us and promote the album! What do you guys think of the possibility of direct downloads from Would you buy it, or do you prefer a physical cd? Let us know what you think!

A physical CD of course! If you think about putting out different versions, I'd definitely buy the Special Deluxe Edition with lots of extra stuff, no matter what it costs!
Me, too! I guess it's an age thing, because every one of my students downloads his/her music, but all of my adult friends still goes and purchases a real cd.

Well, I'm 22, and for me and my friends who are all roughly around the same age, we all buy vinyl and cd's. Vinyl more, really. It's a sort of cult thing, I guess.

A Die-Hard version with a white old school logo patch would make me a happy panda. Also, if you release the album on vinyl, the most popular way to do it nowadays is to offer a download code so you can have the album in portable form as well as classic wax.
Well, I'm 22, and for me and my friends who are all roughly around the same age, we all buy vinyl and cd's. Vinyl more, really. It's a sort of cult thing, I guess.

A Die-Hard version with a white old school logo patch would make me a happy panda. Also, if you release the album on vinyl, the most popular way to do it nowadays is to offer a download code so you can have the album in portable form as well as classic wax.

Thanks for your feedback/thoughts! Gives us a lot to consider!
Me, too! I guess it's an age thing, because every one of my students downloads his/her music, but all of my adult friends still goes and purchases a real cd.

If I love a band I buy a CD. If I do not know the band, I go to myspace and check it. If the songs do not give me an Idea about the music than I download and listen to it. Then if I like the band, I buy the CD. With JP majority of the albums I have are CDs (still missing some albums on CD, I deserve punishment):goggly: .
Definitely a CD (& LP for the collectors. This is what metal is all about. Collecting good stuff). do not forget to make lotsa Tshirts and stuff. Maybe the CD could be together with a sticker or patch (awesome idea).