New album: Work has begun already....!!!!.....

Well, this is just something me and my friend figured. Opeths work seems to have kinda been a 2 CD musical related path kinda thing, I can't explain it to well.
Orchid and Morningrise, by far the best of their work. My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life kinda went in a deifferent direction and were both concept albums. Blackwater Park, Deliverence, and Damntaion. Which we all know Deliverence and Damnation was supposed to be a 2 disk thing but because of the record company or whatever, they wanted to sell it seperately but you kinda put those 2 together and it sorta relates to Blackwater Park.

Now we have Ghost Reveries, once again I am blown away and they added some cool black metal and metalcore influences in there is what it sounded like, and by far the best of Mikael's clean vocals so far. Honestly this was my least favorite out of it all but I still love it. So Me and my friend think they will kinda do another album kinda like Ghost Reveries.

Like I said all above there, to me and my friend it kinda sounds like they kinda change things around every 2 CDs. Even though all their CDs are quite unique, you still get where I'm going with this. If this oppinion was already posted, I'm sorry but I didn't feel like going through 13 pages. Plus I'd figure this was a good way to look at it.

\m/ OPETH \m/
Well, this is just something me and my friend figured. Opeths work seems to have kinda been a 2 CD musical related path kinda thing, I can't explain it to well.
Orchid and Morningrise, by far the best of their work. My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life kinda went in a deifferent direction and were both concept albums. Blackwater Park, Deliverence, and Damntaion. Which we all know Deliverence and Damnation was supposed to be a 2 disk thing but because of the record company or whatever, they wanted to sell it seperately but you kinda put those 2 together and it sorta relates to Blackwater Park.

Now we have Ghost Reveries, once again I am blown away and they added some cool black metal and metalcore influences

annnnnnnnnd thats where i stopped reading
Well, this is just something me and my friend figured. Opeths work seems to have kinda been a 2 CD musical related path kinda thing, I can't explain it to well.
Orchid and Morningrise, by far the best of their work. My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life kinda went in a deifferent direction and were both concept albums. Blackwater Park, Deliverence, and Damntaion. Which we all know Deliverence and Damnation was supposed to be a 2 disk thing but because of the record company or whatever, they wanted to sell it seperately but you kinda put those 2 together and it sorta relates to Blackwater Park.

Now we have Ghost Reveries, once again I am blown away and they added some cool black metal and metalcore influences in there is what it sounded like, and by far the best of Mikael's clean vocals so far. Honestly this was my least favorite out of it all but I still love it. So Me and my friend think they will kinda do another album kinda like Ghost Reveries.

Like I said all above there, to me and my friend it kinda sounds like they kinda change things around every 2 CDs. Even though all their CDs are quite unique, you still get where I'm going with this. If this oppinion was already posted, I'm sorry but I didn't feel like going through 13 pages. Plus I'd figure this was a good way to look at it.

\m/ OPETH \m/

Well, this is just something me and my friend figured. Opeths work seems to have kinda been a 2 CD musical related path kinda thing, I can't explain it to well.
Orchid and Morningrise, by far the best of their work. My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life kinda went in a deifferent direction and were both concept albums. Blackwater Park, Deliverence, and Damntaion. Which we all know Deliverence and Damnation was supposed to be a 2 disk thing but because of the record company or whatever, they wanted to sell it seperately but you kinda put those 2 together and it sorta relates to Blackwater Park.

Now we have Ghost Reveries, once again I am blown away and they added some cool black metal and metalcore influences in there is what it sounded like, and by far the best of Mikael's clean vocals so far. Honestly this was my least favorite out of it all but I still love it. So Me and my friend think they will kinda do another album kinda like Ghost Reveries.

Like I said all above there, to me and my friend it kinda sounds like they kinda change things around every 2 CDs. Even though all their CDs are quite unique, you still get where I'm going with this. If this oppinion was already posted, I'm sorry but I didn't feel like going through 13 pages. Plus I'd figure this was a good way to look at it.

\m/ OPETH \m/
:erk: :erk: :erk: go die plz kthx
Well, this is just something me and my friend figured. Opeths work seems to have kinda been a 2 CD musical related path kinda thing, I can't explain it to well.
Orchid and Morningrise, by far the best of their work. My Arms Your Hearse and Still Life kinda went in a deifferent direction and were both concept albums. Blackwater Park, Deliverence, and Damntaion. Which we all know Deliverence and Damnation was supposed to be a 2 disk thing but because of the record company or whatever, they wanted to sell it seperately but you kinda put those 2 together and it sorta relates to Blackwater Park.

Now we have Ghost Reveries, once again I am blown away and they added some cool black metal and metalcore influences in there is what it sounded like, and by far the best of Mikael's clean vocals so far. Honestly this was my least favorite out of it all but I still love it. So Me and my friend think they will kinda do another album kinda like Ghost Reveries.

Like I said all above there, to me and my friend it kinda sounds like they kinda change things around every 2 CDs. Even though all their CDs are quite unique, you still get where I'm going with this. If this oppinion was already posted, I'm sorry but I didn't feel like going through 13 pages. Plus I'd figure this was a good way to look at it.

\m/ OPETH \m/
I am not convinced.
if you think long and hard enough about opeth to write multiple paragraphs about album patterns and still conclude something as ridiculous as 'metalcore influences' then you should be shot for your sheer idiocy
I'd like to hear some lower some shit that goes down into the 20 to 30 Hz range or lower..this might augment their sound some...they're great songwritter's but but I'd like my sub to be given a little bit more of a workout whilst listen to Opeth....Listening to GR in DTS seem like a pretty good mix, but it seems a little trebbly and could have had even more low end ballz to really give it some effect esp wrt to the percussion...most of us have some form of subwoofer that can add a lot of impact to the sound...i've heard my sub on movies and other music and Opeth is not tapping into it's full potential as a means to impact the listener to the full extreme.

the first 2 opeth albums are the worst ones, bad transitions.

but anyway there is by no means of metalcore influence in opeth's music
I hope it'll be like Blackwater Park, I find that album their best... it contains everything - the melancholy of Doom, the originality of Prog, the power of Death... hail Opeth!
What is this crazy stuff about Opeth having metalcore influence on their last album... This is crazy, theres absolutely no metalcore influences there, thank god!