New Album?


Oct 20, 2008
It has been quiet here for a while. Maybe Oddleif can share something about the fourth album? Really looking forward to this one.
^ Yeah, what's up with this band actually, haven't heard much of them lately. Are they busy doing something else or is there a new record and perhaps some gigs coming up this year?
Hi, sorry for the silence, but a personal tragic incident forced me to take a step back and focus on something else for a while. Good news is that we are slowly getting it back on track again these days.

Many thanks for this good news Oddleif.
Hope all is superiorly now.
Communic have the effort to go forward with a firework of inspiration :)

I am so happy now .. thank you :rock:
Hi, yeah to quiet some might say, but we are still here.

Right now we are actually working hard on the coming album, we just played Masters of Rock festival, but now the full focus is on the new material. Also looking into what producer and studio to use these days.

New stuff will be a bit more down tuned as I have done some changes in the tuning and setup – without going into 7-strings guitars, maybe more heavy and doomy, but also some deep mellow and dymamic stuff. And thinking about dropping all of the keyboard sounds that we normally do on the album, since we never play those live anyway. Get it more real!

It will most likely end up as 12 songs, where 3 of them are “shorter” intros to each of the “3 chapters” on the album. I also have most of the titles ready but are holding on to those as they might change in the process.

Last, we are also testing out a 2nd guitar player that might join the band if the "social antennas" are on the same channel as the rest of us. Time will tell, but it is surely interesting :-)

Well that`s great news Oddleif!
We sure are ready for a new album, it`s been a long wait but i`m sure you guys will make an album worth waiting for! :kickass:
Thanks for the update Oddlief.
I'm really looking forward to hearing the new album :D
Good luck with the producer, studio and 2nd guitarist.
Well, I can say by now that we will continnue as a 3-piece band. No need to split the beer on more people :-)

Oh, you started drinking beer? :muahaha:

Anyway, to all the waiting folks here, I had the chance to visit the band in their rehearsal room in September, and I can totally agree with everything Oddleif said... The new stuff, at least the songs I heard, sound great. Really heavy, deep, nevertheless progressive and very athmospheric. I know, nearly nobody likes this comparison, but the athmosphere reminded me somehow of the Dreaming Neon Black album by Nevermore... And yes, this is a compliment! ;)

I really can't wait... :Smokin: