New Album

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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I do not know about everyone else, but I am really excited about the new album. The few songs I have heard have all been great. At the risk of being slammed on, I have to admit I was a little dissapointed with Volume 8. I really like stomp, and volume 8 did not live up to my expectations. I know alot of people thought stomp was a weak album, but I think 8 was a little weak. WCFYA so far sounds pretty intense. Rob's Solo's are great! I think we have a great Thrax album on our hands.
No, you're not the only one who was a tiny bit disappointed with V8 - still an awesome record but I too thought it was the weakest of the 3 Bush records, consistency wise.

Likewise, I have heard both Seperhero and Refuse and both sound (first 3 V8 tracks aside) better that most of that record's material.
pretty much agree with above comments,great album but no where near the consistency that stomp had!!!

while charlie says in interviews less is more sometimes and i agree with it to a certain extent but if u got the talent use it,time to show all those younger metal bands how to do it right.
Volume 8 was not a disappointment for rivals SOWN as one of my favorite albums, period. The 4 tracks I've heard off the promo are good, but they haven't blown me away. I initially thought Safe Home was pretty weak, although it has grown on me. Think About an End is okay, but nothing special. Take the Music Back is a cool tune, but there's something about it that kind of reminds me of Motley Crue...I don't know if that's a good thing or not. What Doesn't Die is a killer tune, but doesn't match some of their best tunes off Volume 8 like Crush or Inside-Out.

As it stands, of the studio quality tracks I've heard so far, Refuse to Be Denied is still my favorite, but again, it isn't in the same league as a "Room for One More" or "Tester".

All I've heard of Superhero is that bad quality live clip that's been around for a year now, and I haven't heard the studio version, so I'll keep my hopes high. And of course, I'll have to wait for the whole album to put it in perspective, but from what I've heard so far, I think that SOWN and Volume 8 will continue to be my favorite 2 albums, unless Black Delihla or any of the others can really blow me away.
yeh music doesn't always have to be heavy for me. and anyway pretty much all of the albums that are my favorite from any band I didn't like at first. I liked maybe one song and then I kept listening to it and started to like all of them. I mean I figure since I like classic rock, classical music, jazz, blues. ANthrax can be whatever they want and I know it will be good music. That's talent.
i dont know bout u guys but its takes bout 4 or 5 listens to really soak it all up with my fave bands anthrax,pantera...

i spose having high expectations and the fact that we have waited so long would have something to do with that

volume 8 lacked a litlle intensity and i think while toast to the extras wasnt a bad counntry tune and i love country music it should have been on a b side single and replaced with something harder to keep the flow going,anyone else agree?
On Volume 8 I thought the first three songs were great, then it kinda lost me. Big Fat and stealing from a thief were also great, but the rest of the album just did not flow well for me. I really like the song taking the music back. It really has grown on me. I think the others are very good so far too, and if the rest of the album keeps up the intensity, it should be a great album.
I think this album will fucking rule! I heard that 2 of the songs that most of us haven't heard are the best 2 songs on the album (Black Dahlia & Nobody Knows Anything).
Maybe it's like....
list 4 of your least favorite tracks from Vol. 8, and make a promo with those songs. Maybe the 4 songs on the "We've Come For You All" promo are the 4 songs you'll like least.
Time will tell.
I have a good feeling about this album. As long as it gets promoted by Artist Direct, and the street team (this means YOU!!!)
Yeah. We do need that. Maybe if the whole version of "Superhero" was on the site, I -- I mean people could get the thirst for Anthrax.
Everyone keeps on raving about Black Dahlia - saying it sounds like a Slayer crossed with Ministry track. Is this true????
Superhero is probably the most radio friendly track I've heard though. KNAC has played it a lot already, and it sounds awesome! Charlie's fills on that album are fuckin perfect. It's definatly the most commercial/catchiest track on it.