New Albums By Boomers


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
What old ass 80s or 90s bands to you guys still buy albums from? And if you do, are the albums really any good?

Case in point, I still buy everything from Necrophobic. And the last two, especially the latest one, are damn good. Nothing that'll change the world, but still kicking ass.

I just listened to Summoning's "With Doom We Come". Wow, terrible vocals. It's like they were castrated and still trying to sound Nazgul-ian. The last song is cool, though.

Another one that surprised the hell outta me is Kawir. Their old stuff is weak, but the last 4 albums are solid Hellenic metal without resorting to being "folky". And they stepped out of the shadows of Rotting Christ and Varathron.

And my boy Darken stepped away from his bitches in the tub and will unleash a new one in August.

I'm not expecting anything other than what I expect. I'm hoping since he has an actual band, maybe the other dudes threw in something new. If not, I'm cool with that.
Danzig, King Crimson, Katatonia, Pagan Altar, Swans, Enslaved, Slayer until the bitter end, and every other Metallica album.
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In the past 6 years or so I've bought new albums on digital from:

Danzig, Dayglo Abortions, Diamond Head, Pagan Altar, Pentagram, Rock Goddess, Saint Vitus, Vader

All pretty good, but of course it helps I'm able to try before I buy. One standout in my opinion is Pentagram - Last Rites, actually my favourite album of theirs by far.

I bought Metallica's Hardwired too, even though I thought it was their worst yet. I preferred their forays into hard rock and wacky shit. But I figure paying for it is kind of a vote telling them to keep making albums. If they hadn't fucked up the mixing on Death Magnetic I might still buy them on CD.

Could also add in bands formed in the 90s like Coffins and Craft, even though they didn't release any albums until the 00s. The latest albums from those two are great.

The most recent CD I bought of an older band was probably Anti-Nowhere League - The Cage in 2016. It's alright but I didn't think any of the songs really stand out. I mostly just collect a few CDs of local bands now.
remember Aeternus? The band everyone gave up on in 1999? I have their latest, Heathen, released in '18. it's actually pretty good. which is to say it's better than their straight up death stuff.

Enslaved havent released an entirely listenable album since Axioma. And I still buy their shit.

I also have the latest Manegarm! Fucking Manegarm. remember them?
nearly all my olde heroes who held out for a long time and whom i followed for years have gradually dropped off. let's look at my top 20 of all time because otherwise i have to use my brain to figure out what bands i like

1. iron maiden <--- YES! i will listen to and love every iron maiden album until the end of time
2. katatonia <--- stopped caring after "night is the new day", they sound really tired nowadays
3. bruce dickinson <--- if this guy ever releases the new solo album he's supposedly got in the making, i'm hella there for it
4. dark tranquillity <--- stopped caring after "fiction"
5. tiamat <--- lmfao. stopped caring after "skeleton skeletron"
6. bathory <--- rip. at least he was just inducted into the swedish music hall of fame, whatever that is
7. anathema <--- lol. nope
8. at the gates <--- just dropped a new album, the single made me zzzzzz
9. agalloch <--- rip
10. antimatter <--- okay, sure, still mildly interested in what these blokes do. but these aren't boomers, the band was formed in the naughty naughts.
11. candlemass <--- dead to me after "from the 13th sun"
12. in flames <--- looooooooool
13. queensrÿche <--- i mean the resurrection was a valiant effort but who tf wants to listen to new albums by queensrÿche ityool 2021...
14. darkthrone <--- stopped ACTUALLY caring after "total death" but i get a little bit taken with the hype every time. will try their new album and see how it goes.
15. amorphis <--- they aren't embarassing themselves but it's a lil bit too glossy for me these days
16. nokturnal mortum <--- this is not really my kind of thing anymore, i will love "goat horns" til the end of time but the super bombastic folk stuff... hmm
17. summoning <--- "with doom we come" is a sack of ballz but i haven't written them off, maybe they still have some magick
18. x japan <--- this is not a band anymore, just a vehicle for selling merch. stopped caring after "jealousy"
19. acid bath <--- rip. still interested in what dax riggs is doing but he's not been doing much for 10+ years now
20. overkill <-- these motherfuckers are still going strong. i mean i don't NEED more overkill in my life, but i respect the tenacity

so out of these.... iron maiden. and maybe summoning.
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out of those i own all agalloch, summoning, amorphis, anathema, nokturnal mortum, dark tranquillity

i will most likely always buy their new shit, but NM is the only one I would be super excited about.

i quit in flames after colony. quit katatonia after the akerfeldt stuff.

i also have all bathory except the 1st 3, octagon, requiem

agreed about amorphis. i like it, but the last few have been assembly line.
That new Graveland track you posted was damn good, cheers. :kickass:

Off the top of my head some of the boomer bands I buy new shit from without a second thought are Macabre, Darkthrone, Voivod Autopsy and Slough Feg.

Macabre's new album was a standout from last year for me, Slough Feg's New Organon album from 2019 kicked massive arse, Darkthrone for me is like a no-brainer so I'm looking forward to the new album obviously, Autopsy's latest EP and live album have been highlights (can't wait for their new full length) and Voivod have had a lot of good new stuff from their 2016 EP Post Society to their awesome album in 2018 The Wake to their new live album Lost Machine. I always pick up their shit without consideration.

I'll echo @Bloopy with bands like Saint Vitus and Vader, especially the most recent Vitus album which was an absolutely belter. The new Asphyx album was solid, same with the new Incantation. I try to keep up with Fates Warning no matter what but their new album didn't impact me much unfortunately.

I need to check out the new Necrophobic album still, but the track I heard sounded good.

Although they haven't released anything new since 2014 I thought Impaled Nazarene's single from their upcoming album is killer as fuck and I hope those boomers stick around instead of vanishing again like they did after Vigorous and Liberating Death.

Gorgon is not a band I have followed very closely but it seems like they're another old band who are coming with some good new shit.

so I do own they Autopsy stuff. And while the 1st couple of reunion albums were kind of a warm up, i do agree that puncturing the grotesque and skullgrinder are damn good stuff.

i just realized i have all amon amarth. shit the bed almighty, thats sad. i think i played the latest one like one and half times.

and orphaned land. remember all the jizz that went their way after Mabool? no one talks about the '18 album, or the two before it.

I really enjoyed the new Necrophobic, was probably one of my most played 2020 releases on digital. The first half is really strong. "The Shadows" is a really hilariously bad song though. This was actually the first album of theirs I got into and spent some time last year going backwards.

And you've mentioned Rotting Christ in your post too, without actually citing them as an old band who are still good, but they qualify in my book, I enjoyed both of their last two.
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I really enjoyed the new Necrophobic, was probably one of my most played 2020 releases on digital. The first half is really strong. "The Shadows" is a really hilariously bad song though. This was actually the first album of theirs I got into and spent some time last year going backwards.

The one before it is really good too.

And you've mentioned Rotting Christ in your post too, without actually citing them as an old band who are still good, but they qualify in my book, I enjoyed both of their last two.

while i wasnt crazy about The Heretics, I do like some of the songs. but I love Rituals. I'm one of the few who prefers post Genesis RC to the older stuff.
you know, I think its because every time i look to get them, i see that they are around $20 a piece, even though they aren't rare. $20 in 2021 for a cd is high dollar.
it's really a pity about the cd version of the first bathory album, it sounds SO much worse than the original vinyl press that i barely think the cd is worth owning. i have it ofc because i gotta have all the bathory albums, but i don't listen to it.

i never realized til a couple of years ago that black mark fucked up the CD, i thought it was supposed to sound weak and flat like that but the original master is a whole other ballgame

and now that both quorthon and boss are dead i have little hope that it will ever be made right