New Albums By Boomers

As I said on page 1, Hardwired was the worst for me. Here Comes Revenge is my fav song from it, but only because it seems to rip off bits of my past favourites and paste them together. Seems they didn't spend enough time on the lyrics, but they're not funny either like some of the ones on St. Anger were.
1. Fade To Black
2. Orion

Top 3 thru 18:
random anythings from Kill 'Em All, Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, ...And Justice For All, blah blah blah

19. The House That Jack Built
20. Bleeding Me

Bonus Shit:
21. most of Garage Inc.
22. Atlas, Rise!
23. The End of the Line
Cant listen to any of the shit from last two, sorry. Id listen to both LOADs on a loop over the new shit once over. I just dont dig it at all. Sounds desperate, bunch o ole geezers out of ideas trying to rehash.

Vunts shouldve did an album full of country covers. See Waylon Jennings cover for ex.

NP, fuck you alllll

I CAN listen to St. Anger all fuggin day though lmao. Yea it sounds like shit, its FAR FaR FAR too long, and half of it has no business being recorded. Idgaf, I actually find it salvageable and emotive, and say what you will, this shit is in NO WAY a rehash.
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So I bought some Saturnus stuff. Very mich looking forward to it. Their newest actually arrived today.

Included in the lot was Paradise Losts Gothic. Never been a fan but maybe it wasnt the right time. Gothic is reqlly damn good.

I know its their classic. Are the others worth it? How about their post techno ones?
one thing i've learned through life is that given enough time, everything -- every unquestionably loathsome thing or person or concept, every ideology, every worst idea, all of the dumbest, most irredeemably awful bullshit in history will have its apologists and defenders because rose colored glasses are a hell of a thing
also i would like to remind you all of how old you are

the timespan between the release of st. anger and today
is longer than between ride the lightning and st. anger
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one thing i've learned through life is that given enough time, everything -- every unquestionably loathsome thing or person or concept, every ideology, every worst idea, all of the dumbest, most irredeemably awful bullshit in history will have its apologists and defenders because rose colored glasses are a hell of a thing

Definitely, and one must empathize shit albums (musically) which fall in line contextually with periods of people's lives (we all have em). If shit came out this month, Id be laughing along with all of you yokels.

My rose tinted glasses has nothing to do with the span of time inbetwixt, but the precise time in which this album was laid forth.
^ That. I think the moment in a person's life that a specific album just "hit" is critical.

I know Im in the minority that loves Alcest's gay Souvenirs album, but it was on my playlist when my first kid was born and now has an eternal positive vibe to it that I will never forget. And I will always love the album for that.
Enter Sandman is an abominable piece of shit today BUT it came out when I was 12 and I mean really, what fledgling preteen heavymetal manchild wouldn't suck that teat at such a time in his young life.

Fun almost related fact: when Ugly by Life of Agony came out I was 16 and HATED it with a burning passion. But when I turned 22 and then listened to Lost At 22 well, brother, that shit hit me pretty deep.
Fun almost related fact: when Ugly by Life of Agony came out I was 16 and HATED it with a burning passion. But when I turned 22 and then listened to Lost At 22 well, brother, that shit hit me pretty deep.

Dude, Ugly is an awesome album. I remember buying it at Best Buy. WTF? Easily their best. I like River Runs Red and Soul Searching Sun has a few good uns but Ugly is solid all the way through.

Apparently the band are back together and have released a bunch of new albums but my interest is gone. And apparently the lead singer is now one of those chicks with dicks
River Runs Red is one of the most important albums to my musical journey, but I can't even remember the last time I spun it. It took me many years to realize that Ugly is just as good, and perhaps better. Kinda lost interest after the first breakup but since then yep, she's not a he anymore.
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yep, still remember RRR being played on Headbangers Ball during my high school years.

what is it with the brooklyn bands getting all their entourage in their videos

and yes I loved Biohazard during high school. I cant stomach it now except when Im feeling old, but it was original in its day and made this cracker feel like a gangsta
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I saw Life of Agony live in 2019. Keith or whatever his/her name is now flashed their tits. I listened to their last album The Sound of Scars and enjoyed it.
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