New Alice Cooper


Pillock of society
Apr 16, 2001
Does anyone know when the new Alice album (Dragontown) is due for release down here? It's gonna rock!
Doesn't Shock distribute Spitfire releases in Australia? I already have mine on pre-order and am *really* looking forward to it.

Speaking of Alice, is that "Freedom For Frankenstein 1984-91" compilation worth getting?

October 8th I believe.

I've heard a few songs, sounds interesting.. but not as 'heavy' as Brutal Planet.
Not sure about Freedom For Frankenstein...I've not got it, but then there are about 14535 Alice compilations out! I wanna get the box set.

Ok that's Monday....I'll pick it up on the way to Tassie then. ;)
Winmar, you *must* get the Life & Crimes box set. It's truly something to behold. The only disappointment is that there a quite a few single edits instead of full length album versions included.

Spruce, I hope Alice tours down here again when Dragontown is released. Much like Deep Purple, I've missed him on the last two Australian visits. Damn poverty!

Has anyone mentioned the Alice Cooper "Prime Cuts" DVD/VHS yet? If so, I'm sorry. If not I just saw it announced for the 23rd Oct on the Canadian EMI site.

Seem like the sort of thing you lot would be interesed in...
Originally posted by Spruce Goose
Does anyone reckon... In all seriousness, that Alice will tour down ere again??
Heres hoping. Last tour was awesome!!

Not unless they play smaller venues. Which shouldn't be a problem unless Alice has an ego problem. :p
Yeah id say he would have to play smaller venues, they didnt get anywhere near selling out the superdome apparently, but I cant see that being bad, smaller venues rock!
Well I put in a decent post on this thread a few days ago but the board said I hadn't followed a thread....fecking annoying. It's like when you write a long email and are just about to send it when your PC freezes. You really can't be fucked writing the whole thing again can you? Anyway, I'll write something!

I went to Gaslight Records here in Melbourne on Friday, and they had no release date for Dragontown. Is Oct 8 only a European/US date?

I guess the great man might play smaller venues next time round, as there were loads of spare seats at the Melb show at the tennis centre too. It's a shame really - he should fill that joint 4 times over! Where else would he play in Melbourne? Festival Hall aka Festering Hell I guess. It'd be ok I suppose, but then I'd watch AC anywhere. Shit I hope he doesn't tour again this year, because I won't be here! End of next year will do my nicely thanks Mr Furnier!

I wish I had a DVD player, as I'd get the Alice ones in a flash. They are rather good, from what I've heard. Drats.

I'll be sure to get the box set sometime after I get back to Australia at the end of next year Wrathchild. What's it cost? $80 or so?

Hmmm if Dragontown doesn't come out before the end of the month I will at least be able to pick it up on cassette in Indonesia. Brutal Planet is available there (the range of stuff there is less broad than here) so I'm sure Dragontown will be. Anyone know why only Australia got the bonus track on Brutal Planet? No complaints from me!

Just in case you guys hadn't noticed, I fucking LOVE Alice Cooper!!

Originally posted by Winmar
Well I put in a decent post on this thread a few days ago but the board said I hadn't followed a thread....fecking annoying. It's like when you write a long email and are just about to send it when your PC freezes. You really can't be fucked writing the whole thing again can you? Anyway, I'll write something!

My computer does that EVERY SINGLE TIME I post a reply. I generally hit "back" and resend it and it works.
I usually hit back and do that too, but sometimes when I hit back i find that what I wrote has disappeared, which just adds to the frustration!
Just got an email from Metal Mayhem saying which albums they've got in, and Dragontown is one of them. If they've got the bloody thing, why couldn't any other record store even give me a release date for it???!!! :mad:
Because non-specialist record stores are bloody hopeless, Winmar. If it was easier for me to get to a metal/import shop (we do have a couple in Adelaide, believe it or not), I wouldn't waste nearly so much time in Leading Edge, Sanity etc.

I've been hassling the former every week about Dragontown, only to be told "it's coming in next week... maybe." :mad:

Your best bet, both for Dragontown and the Life & Crimes box set would be . Prices there aren't as good as they used to be, what with the state of the dollar and everything, but they're still worth a shot. How was your trip?

I just ordered Dragontown through the sanity website.
I decided to check out the new Gamma Ray too, so they should both be here Monday.