New Amon Amarth Song

General Zod said:
Keep in mind, I didn't get into them until vs. the World. And before someone tells me I have to go back and listen to Once Sent, I already have and I don't like it. So bugger off. <---- I love speaking British.


Wow, once more the ol' "which album introduced you to the band first" theory.

Once Sent.... was my introduction to the band, and I highly dig it. :)
Do Avenger and Crusher sound exactly the same as Vs. the World or something? There is a drastic difference between that one and Once Sent and Fate of Norns even has quite a different tone from Vs. I quite like the three albums of theirs I have and I don't really see what's bad about finding your niche and then owning the fuck out of it. Besides, there are about 23542266 other bands that repeat themselves to a higher degree than this, but AA and Bolt Thrower always get nailed with the "you own one album...blahblahshit" thing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a new one.
There is nothing wrong with exploiting your niche, but there has to be at least some progression and/or variation at the same time, or else by the third or fourth near-identical album or whatever Amon Amarth is on now (regardless of whether you think they've stuck to a formula, they still rock) it gets tired fast
Demonspell said:
There is nothing wrong with exploiting your niche, but there has to be at least some progression and/or variation at the same time, or else by the third or fourth near-identical album or whatever Amon Amarth is on now (regardless of whether you think they've stuck to a formula, they still rock) it gets tired fast

I agree to an extent - but if that formula just absolutely totally rules the world, I can hear it 20 albums in a row and never tire of the style.

If Metallica had released RTL, MOP and AJFA over and over again, they'd be the greatest band ever.
Opeth17 said:
Do Avenger and Crusher sound exactly the same as Vs. the World or something? There is a drastic difference between that one and Once Sent and Fate of Norns even has quite a different tone from Vs. I quite like the three albums of theirs I have and I don't really see what's bad about finding your niche and then owning the fuck out of it. Besides, there are about 23542266 other bands that repeat themselves to a higher degree than this, but AA and Bolt Thrower always get nailed with the "you own one album...blahblahshit" thing. Anyway, I'm looking forward to a new one.
Yeah, if you like it, why not own a lot of it?
Opeth17 said:
Do Avenger and Crusher sound exactly the same as Vs. the World or something?

No. Versus the World is much more melodic and dynamic. There is tonnes of shit going on (drumming, guitary wizardry etc), where as the other two are a little more static.

Besides, there are about 23542266 other bands that repeat themselves to a higher degree than this, but AA and Bolt Thrower always get nailed with the "you own one album...blahblahshit" thing.

That's because they have death vocals. At least with clean vocals, there is an entire other dimension to the music, namely the vocal melody. It helps distinguish the songs.

Case in point: Iced Earth. Now that's a band that releases the same riffery on each release, but at least you have vocal melodies to (over) compensate.
Dark One said:
I agree to an extent - but if that formula just absolutely totally rules the world, I can hear it 20 albums in a row and never tire of the style.

If Metallica had released RTL, MOP and AJFA over and over again, they'd be the greatest band ever.

Hang on. Are you saying RTL, MOP, and AJFA are all following the same formula?
JayKeeley said:
Hang on. Are you saying RTL, MOP, and AJFA are all following the same formula?

No, but any one of those releases over and over again and Metallica = greatest band ever.

There are a ton of similarities though between the song layouts of RTL & MOP, but they are certainly distinct albums.
Once Sent from The Golden hall is phenomenal. Victorious March could quite possible be one of the most powerful songs ever written. With Out Fear is amazing as well. Avenger is faster and angrier. Crusher has more Groove. Vs the world is catchier. Fate Of Norns takes longer to get into because its a very plodding steamrolling kinda album. It took the longest for me to get into. I wish theyd remake their song Army Of Darkness, since its one of their most badass songs and they never play it live or have even done anything with it since their debut ep stuff. The song Pursuit of Vikings is overrated where as the song Fate Of Norns was much better.
I felt pretty let down after Fate of the Norns but these two tracks have really raised my hopes. I would be shocked indeed if the new one gets even close to Once Sent, Avenger or Crusher, but those are some of the best death metal releases I own so that's not saying much.

I actually listened to Once Sent today and realized that Dragon's Flight Across the Waves is one of their best songs, mainly musicially of course but I really like the lyrics as well; containing both war and a more human dimension :]

Best AA song ever = Burning Creation

*gasp* No fire on the new album cover??
