new amp GAS - 5150 counterpart?


Jul 27, 2005
i'm having hard amp-GAS right now. after having done the last few projects with the 5150 and using it as my main live amp for a few years now, it's time for a change.

i'd like to get something that complements the 5150 well, basically a tonal opposite would be really cool. the 5150 has a very distinct midrange grind that makes it awesome in a live situation, but just does not fit every project, so i need to get away from that.

i'd get it for recording mostly, but if it's a really cool amp i guess i'd also use it live hehe. i'm mostly doing the heavier styles of metal, anything (melodic) death, grindcore, slam death, so i definitely need something HEAVY.
decent clean channel and a solo boost or 2 distortion channels are a must for live applications, but if it's studio only an awesome distortion channel would be perfectly fine.

i'm not a big engl fan btw, sometimes they're cool in a live situation, but from my experience they don't record very well (mainly power/fireball). i used to own a blackmore and wasn't a big fan back then, but if i remember the sound correctly it might actually fit the bill....maybe too polite for the stuff i'm doing now.
i'd rule out the 5150 III too, not enough difference to the 5150.
i have an original mid-eighties jcm800 2210 that i'd trade, plus some cash on top of it, so budget is around 1k used.

any recommendations?
If your JCM800 is not cutting it, a few amps come to mind:

Mesa Dual/Triple Rec
VHT Pitbull 100-CL
Krank Revolution
Marshall JMP-1 w/ EL-34 power amp

All can be had for around $1000 or less used (you might have to hunt a bit) and all will get the job done.

Or go get a nice boost for the JCM800 and go to town.
that's what i was thinking too, haha. being in germany i'm getting assraped as far as mesa pricing goes, even used...

the jcm800 is the 2210 model, no boost necessary. it's a great amp with a stellar lead tone, and cuts through any (live) mix like you wouldn't believe. unfortunately the clean channel sucks, so i can't use it live with any of my bands. i don't really want to sell that amp, it's just a classic, but it hardly gets any use anymore, and i need the cash for another amp.

well, aside from recto, i was also thinking about the krank rev. i briefly played one in a store and it was OK, i wasn't blown away but i assume it records very well. definitely a different style than the 5150, and also a few hundred cheaper than the rectifier.
other alternatives would be the laboga mr. hector (reading a lot of good stuff about that one), and (don't laugh) the bugera 333. the latter is so cheap i wouldn't even have to sell the marshall ^^.

any thoughts?
I was in the same situation.
And I've saved money and bught a recto(1400€, 3 channel dual) and I'm totally happy with the amp.
The bad thing: my 6505 is in the rehearsal room and I would love to have a second one;)

My advice: Don't buy a compromise of what you want, you will regret it.
indeed, seems like no one wants to put up with changing a gazillion tubes :D

ok, i'm convinced, i'll get a recto. thanks! :)