New amp sim?

Literally, I like his Drumforge samples. That's it. I don't like the sound of this amp sim. It especially seems like a Pod Farm rip off. I don't like the tone presets on one of his sites that use other plugins.

But one thing is certain: He's makin' money, ninjas.
the Joey Sturgis fanboy in me wants to buy this but the rational side of me says it costs 50 USD for one amp that sounds like podfarm which I already have and that TSE and Recabinet4 sound way better.
It sounds decent but what most people get is it won't sound the same without the same gear. I bought one of his 'mix-ready' Podfarm presets and it sounded horrid. If I could demo this for free I would try it out but who charges money for an unfinished product?
I like how in this promo pic that he's running Windows 8 on a MacBook Pro.

I like how in this promo pic that he's running Windows 8 on a MacBook Pro.


Not that this matters in the slightest, but I think that Windows 7 based on the start button and tabs.

I had no idea people could make hackintosh work on laptops. Good to know.