New Andy Sneap Interview

i love how he's practically mirroring all the views and ideas that ive been talking about on the forum for ages
George just seems shocked in a way when you said "sansamp" and that vocalists and guitarists track in the control room. I mean I am not speaking in an ill way toward him, it just seemed as if he really didnt understand how it was possible.
IIRC on the same site there is a link to a video that shows George in his studio and I think he says he tracks vocals in the CR as well. Not 100% sure though.
shit i need to download quick time, i swear it messes up my pc every time i install... ah, fuck it, its worth it
Don't do it! The stupid piece of software always crashes when I want to watch the video. Go to the pages source code and find the link to the MOV-video, download and watch with VLC.
Great interview, some really cool insight. Thanks for sharing!

Really good point about the vocals, I'd much rather a shit quality great performance than the greatest quality shit performance.
Really great interview, loved every minute of it.
Something struck me as odd though, Andy: When he asked if you are experiencing a lot of bands tuning down these days, you answer with "no not really, still usually in 440"... but if you look at the list of bands you've worked with, about 99% of them tune down to C or lower :lol: How come you answered no? general I'd guess there have been noticeably more downtuned albums than standard and even if there have been roughly the same amount his response would still surprise me.
Really great interview, loved every minute of it.
Something struck me as odd though, Andy: When he asked if you are experiencing a lot of bands tuning down these days, you answer with "no not really, still usually in 440"... but if you look at the list of bands you've worked with, about 99% of them tune down to C or lower :lol: How come you answered no?

Yeah, I thought that was a bit weird too.
Great Interview!

Not sure if this has been covered but what Sub are you running with your Ns10's Andy? I know you have mentioned what power amp you use but I never caught what sub you got.
^^I think it's actually the matching sub for the Genelec set - would be willing to bet he runs the NS10's alone :).

Good call. It does seem they were talking about the Genelecs. I know some times the monitor controller has a sub output and I think you can use your sub on multiple monitors, if i understand that right.

I was using just ns10's for a while, I hated them with no sub. Now that I have better monitors I may just run the ns10's with no sub as a backup monitor. I just need a bigger mixing space to fit them and my Opals though.