New Andy Sneap Interview

Some really interesting stuff on that video, and actually, some of the little tidbits of information were incredibly comforting in a way. Like the part about a guitar string squealing a bit in a take. I've always wondered if I'm just lazy or plain wrong for not having a problem with stuff like that if the take has a great vibe to it otherwise :lol:
The monitors thing was funny - Genelecs are fucking loud even without the sub!!

I'd love to record my band without a click. The one thing I find is good to do is to record to a click, and rather than quantize the audio to the grid, slip the grid to the audio. Even when playing to a click, the drummer is going to be sliding all over the place... so it's kind of good to retain that, and you sort of get a good balance of the tightness of a click track, with the humanity of an non-quantized performance.
Just hit home how much of this information I... or we take for granted on here. Just about everything Andy talks about there is something we'd already know, or take to heart, simply because of spending time here over the years, and the tips he shared at the start. The board's really been an invaluable resource, and it becomes all that much more important when you consider some of us are from places where knowledge like that just doesn't flow quite so freely.

Hell, even my booking schedule is starting to resemble his! Now to work on the pay grade....

Got a question though, if you're still hanging around this thread Andy. How do you deal with those potential bookings, which are several months down the track and are still more or less projected 'up in the air'. How do you prioritize which client gets a certain month, if both potentially want it? How do you deal with overlaps in projects if one goes a bit over the deadline and starts cutting into another's time?
Really enjoyed the video and have a great appreciation for the honesty about current music trends and things that you have perhaps had a change of heart on over the years. Thanks for taking the time to provide these types of in-depth interviews.
I definitely do not take these forums for granted and I don't know what I would do if they were to be shut down ever (!). Besides the fact that this is my homepage, my friend who went to Vancouver to study engineering asks me questions on a regular basis and I'm able to provide (most of the time) a fairly competent answer for him. oiiiiiiiiiiii <--- That was my cat jumping on the keyboard, awesome.

Anyways, it's a great interview - quite humble. Keep up the great work Andy.
Fantastic interview, this is how things should be done, conversation style. I very much agree with Andy's sentiments, the bit about Hendrix was amazingly insightful and hilarious. Awesome.
Great interview. I liked that it was one pro to another like the Russ vid with Andy, not just a guy with a bunch of questions running wildly from one to the next. Just two guys sitting around having a chat.
Cool to hear he had a live sound background, I didn't know that.
Very nice interview :headbang:

Anyone else surprised by the acoustics of the control room? I would've expected a bit less reflections, but I guess it's not a big deal with a room that size, especially since the low end is probably much much better than the tiny rooms the rest of us work in.
Fantastic interview, this is how things should be done, conversation style. I very much agree with Andy's sentiments, the bit about Hendrix was amazingly insightful and hilarious. Awesome.

I thought that part was great as well. I'm a big Hendrix fan, and I often wonder what he would do with the technology we have today. If only I had the patience to experiment as much as he did - if you listen to how his songs developed over years and years of playing them you can see how he was never satisfied with a song and constantly tried to improve it. Imagine the sonic capabilities today's tech could bring to his music - it would probably still be awesome however.
Maybe we should all chip in a few quid for Andy.. we don't want him on the street in a few months hugging his SSL :p