Just hit home how much of this information I... or we take for granted on here. Just about everything Andy talks about there is something we'd already know, or take to heart, simply because of spending time here over the years, and the tips he shared at the start. The board's really been an invaluable resource, and it becomes all that much more important when you consider some of us are from places where knowledge like that just doesn't flow quite so freely.
Hell, even my booking schedule is starting to resemble his! Now to work on the pay grade....
Got a question though, if you're still hanging around this thread Andy. How do you deal with those potential bookings, which are several months down the track and are still more or less projected 'up in the air'. How do you prioritize which client gets a certain month, if both potentially want it? How do you deal with overlaps in projects if one goes a bit over the deadline and starts cutting into another's time?