New Angel Dust stinks!

Hellcome TheEmperor, if you check the NP thread you will see that some of us do like some extreme metal as well...
I'm one of them, very open minded listen from folk - rock- metal - extreme - goth - classic. :grin:
welcome emperor..............O.H.B......O.H.B......O.H.B.....O.H.B......O.H.B........O.H.B..........O.H.B.......sorry I got carried away........but thats what happens when someone makes a post saying they like rule!!!!!!!!!!thanks know me all too well!!!!!ha ha:) :lol: :p
Hello everybody :grin:

yes you know, I like some Power Metal, I'm a big Blind Guardian fan for example. And now I got to know Angel Dust and they're very good! In general I listen to Death Metal, but I also like Black, Thrash, Heavy, Progressive and Power Metal... so I'm pretty open minded to other genres ;)
The new Angel Dust album kicks ass! My favorite is still Enlighten the Darkness, but all their albums since they started again in the 90's (Border, Bleed, Enlighten, and Bondage) are great!