New Anthrax in stores next fall


Feb 7, 2002
Queens NY
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Ran into my pal at Sanctuary at the Manowar show in Brooklyn this weekend and said the cd is slated for a October release.He's herd the cd and feels its their best since Sound Of white Noise.Still doing vocals and is yet to be mixed.
Originally posted by weave
Ran into my pal at Sanctuary at the Manowar show in Brooklyn this weekend and said the cd is slated for a October release.He's herd the cd and feels its their best since Sound Of white Noise.Still doing vocals and is yet to be mixed.

Well it is not as if the guy's at the label are gonna tell ya it sucks!!:D (When is the last time a band didn't say "this is our best record yet" when promoting thier latest release????) In all seriousness though, it is great to hear this stuff about the new record. In my mind one of the things Vol. 8 needed was an outside production team to maybe tighten up the discipline a little bit and get a tighter more consistent performance, and it keeps sounding like that is what we are getting.
Scott said the new CD will be out in late September.
I can't fuckin wait!
What should I listen to in the meantime?!?!
hmmmm I remember this guy sayong that John Bush was facing a law suit from the incident during this last tour.
although Scott himself did say september. and thats not too far off from October

ps. thraxdude-you should deffinately listen to something badass!
eeeh...june...july... then I think I heard "somewhere in august"... then from the previous post...september... and now it´s... october? jeez, that´s sooooo loooooooooooooooooooooooooong.....
Your gonna laugh but, I actually had a chance to pickup "Among the Living" this week. It is not a new album to me by any means, but some of you may remember my CD Theft story(where I lost all my older Anthrax CD's years ago). Slowly but surely, I've been adding them back to my CD collection. Anyhow I finally got a chance to pick this one up again, and I must say that the album really is the bands best with Joey. I think I listened to it 10 times on sunday alone. My review of "Among the Living"!

Among the Living

1. Among the Living: complete anthrax classic(best stephen king influenced song)*quite possibly the best Anthrax song ever.
2. Caught in a Mosh: Mosh pit anthem
3. I am the Law: Best metal comic book song ever
4.Efilnikufesin(N.F.L) Best backwards wording song
5.A Skeleton in the closet: great thrax song
6.Indians: Best song about indians, killer riff!
7.One World: Very cool song, Love the thrashy backup vocals!
8.A.D.I/Horror of it all: My hidden favorite on the album, which is also the longest song of the album.
9.Imitation of Life: This is the only song that I don't love on the album, Joey's vocals are pretty bad on this song. The only bad song of the album.

Overall: Anthrax: Among the Living: 9 out of 10 stars

*The irony of this purchase: When I purchased this album this week, I also purchased the remake of Resident Evil for my game cube. So I was playing Resident Evil and listening to Among the Living, kinda a funny album to listening to when you being chased by blood thirsty zombies! Scott would be proud of me!

