What Stores are Promoting Anthrax?

I thought it would be a good idea to see what stores in what areas are promoting the new Anthrax CD's and DVD's in terms of who has it on their New Releases Racks. I went to 3 major chain stores to check it out.

Tower Records (Broad St.)- New Release Rack, none in section, only Anthrax "Alive 2" CD

Sam Goody (Gallery Mall)- None in store at all

FYE (Gallery Mall)- None in New Releases, "Greatest Hits" only in Section
LuvataciousSkull said:
I thought it would be a good idea to see what stores in what areas are promoting the new Anthrax CD's and DVD's in terms of who has it on their New Releases Racks. I went to 3 major chain stores to check it out.

Tower Records (Broad St.)- New Release Rack, none in section, only Anthrax "Alive 2" CD

Sam Goody (Gallery Mall)- None in store at all

FYE (Gallery Mall)- None in New Releases, "Greatest Hits" only in Section

Hey dude, this might be a random question, but do you have an orange colored tool box with an Anthrax sticker on it????
I went to Sam Goody today to buy it, when I asked if they had the new ANTHRAX cd/DVD the girl behind the counter looked at me like I asked her if I knew where I could buy an atomic bomb. She never even heard of Anthrax. I schooled her on the history of Metal and explaind to het that ANthrax is and always has been the greatest metal band ever, and if it wasnt for them there would be no Limp Dickshit, Korn, PapA Roach, Linkin Parc. She said she would give them a listen. I will go back next week and see what she has to say.

Anyways, they had 1 copy of Alive 2 and 2 copies of No _Hit wonders

LuvataciousSkull said:
I thought it would be a good idea to see what stores in what areas are promoting the new Anthrax CD's and DVD's in terms of who has it on their New Releases Racks. I went to 3 major chain stores to check it out.

Tower Records (Broad St.)- New Release Rack, none in section, only Anthrax "Alive 2" CD

Sam Goody (Gallery Mall)- None in store at all

FYE (Gallery Mall)- None in New Releases, "Greatest Hits" only in Section
went to Hastings and Borders here in Greeley CO. they both had all releases although hastings did not have the Alive 2 CD had to spend $18.99 for it at Borders:(. Hastings had the Anthrology Cd in the new release section. I found that Hastings also had the cd's on sale as borders didn't as it wasn't the new Streisand-Barry Gibb album!
Iam sure best buy and tower will have it In San Diego.But the fact is even with the reunion stores only care what there is a demand for and anthrax does not sell like it is the 80s or early 90s.So there not gonna stock it.

You can always go on amazon.com
LuvataciousSkull said:
Why yes... Yes I do. :)

I saw you in Philly last week. Do you have a mowalk too?? You were wearing an Anthrax shirt with the notman on it on Broad Street I think it was right across from the Burlington Coat Factory and Hard Rock and all that bullshit.
AlexStomp said:
I saw you in Philly last week. Do you have a mowalk too?? You were wearing an Anthrax shirt with the notman on it on Broad Street I think it was right across from the Burlington Coat Factory and Hard Rock and all that bullshit.

WOW! That was me, and that was actually the day I was out canvasing for Anthrax! :lol: ! Send me an e-mail and we'll talk.
I was with two chicks and they were shopping for their friends back home in Slovakia. I got bored and snuck out of one of the stores to smoke a cigarette and I saw you but I didn't say Hi because I just figured you were some random dude that liked Anthrax. It didn't dawn on me until a few minutes later and you were long gone by then. Small world.
Crazyness. It is a small world. That's wierd.

BTW- Media Play has a shitload of new Anthrax releases. At least in Littleton CO.