what hair? Maybe pit or ball / ass / grundle hair but not from your dome

Actually.... My hair has changed quite significantly from what it used to be like...

Obligatory joint.

what hair? Maybe pit or ball / ass / grundle hair but not from your dome
i am glad the OP has some clarity of thought on this.... illegal downloading is indeed the culprit, and it's become pandemic... the largest majority of music fans are not replacing CDs with purchased downloads... no, most are now just stealing.
and saying "things change" is a bit missing the point. yes, they do.... but in the past they always changed in a way that allowed music makers to continue to afford plying their craft.... wholesale theft will not facilitate the continuation of that type of change.
there will always be music, and there will always be good music. but when art is "democratized" like this, the pile of shit you have to sift through to find a gem becomes much, much larger.
things are going to take an even sharper downturn soon... many of you that would have otherwise been able to make a go of it will give up your music and production dreams because of it, and if you steal music rather than buying it, well then you've shot yourself in your own foot.
... and budgets continue to spiral downward.....
aren't my infrequent posts just a ray of sunshine?
this is exACTly the type of pollyanna platitude that you typically hear from those who have no career yet to sacrifice.... and who have actually no idea at all how signed bands make money, and/or where the recording budgets come from.obviously "illegal downloading" has played a role in the decline of album sales... but that's not how artists have always made a living off their music. (using prince as an example).
i say that "things change" not to be dismissive. what i would like to elaborate is: record labels' business models stay the same while the world around them changes around them. we shouldn't blame people who steal music. we should blame the people who can't protect it from being stolen... and by putting a price on everything certainly does not protect it.
it should always be about the music... not the money. i would gladly sacrifice my "career" knowing that all musicians are more inspired by the music and not the money.
CD lovers stuck in 90s
No one wants piles of plastic junk anymore,when did you see someone with portable CD player around last time?
CD lovers don't carry around portable CD players either... so you've shot your own argument in the foot... and you're totally ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room: audio quality.
i have an iPod for listening out and about.. but at home i want to hear full resolution audio. period... and i don't want to lose it all if my hard drives die.
CD lovers don't carry around portable CD players either... so you've shot your own argument in the foot... and you're totally ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room: audio quality.
i have an iPod for listening out and about... on earbuds it really doesn't make as much difference, but at home i want to hear full resolution audio. period... and i don't want to lose it all if my hard drives die.
also, i don't really care about CDs per se.. just the audio quality, and that it be tied to a physical product with art and credits and lyrics.... and frankly, i'd rather be "stuck in the '90's if that means being stuck on music MEANING something more than disposable sound clips that are carried about as trendy accessories to a current fad, and disposed of just as easily.
CD lovers don't carry around portable CD players either... so you've shot your own argument in the foot... and you're totally ignoring the 800 lb. gorilla in the room: audio quality.
i have an iPod for listening out and about... on earbuds it really doesn't make as much difference, but at home i want to hear full resolution audio. period... and i don't want to lose it all if my hard drives die.
also, i don't really care about CDs per se.. just the audio quality, and that it be tied to a physical product with art and credits and lyrics.... and frankly, i'd rather be "stuck in the '90's if that means being stuck on music MEANING something more than disposable sound clips that are carried about as trendy accessories to a current fad, and disposed of just as easily.
and they're welcome to it... just don't try to impose an acceptance of worse quality on me, because i reject it.I didn't mention quality because it is obvious now,people don't want quality anymore.they want convinience.
as for minority who still listens to CDs... this is dated format.
Wouldn't you like 24/96? as a download or something like that?
Industry has failed to offer a replacement,why defending them?
Let it all die, and you know it's the only way,like it or not.
People just need to get over the fact that there isn't a big chance to make money with music anymore.
Everyone can create it, everyone can have it. Very capitalist thinking everywhere. It's not a bad time for music. Music is everywhere.
It's just a bad time for the people who want to / need to earn their money with music.