A quiet rant on music stores

Dec 3, 2004
Arizona, USA
I live near a big city. You'd think it would be fairly easy to find the metal music I like and purchase on the spot. But no. Zia Records is pretty much the biggest and best supplied music store in the Phoenix area. They have a pretty extensive metal section. But surprisingly, they stock very little of the music I like. I went in there last Saturday with a list of new albums I wanted to buy:

Circus Maximus
Sieges Even
Beyond Twilight
Deep Purple
Evergrey DVD

The ONLY thing on this list that they had was the Evergrey DVD and they wanted $36 for it (bought it today from an ebay seller for $17). None of the cds on my list were available at one of the biggest and best music stores in Phoenix. I walked out pretty much empty-handed.

I know I have the internet readily available to me, and I know right where to get everything I want. But I am trying to ease off my credit cards and would prefer to just toss some cash at my latest haul. Instead, I have to start digging around ebay looking at stuff I can pay for with PayPal, and buying from sources I've never dealt with before.

I did remember that The End Mail Order store now accepted PayPal, so I went there. And you know what? I didn't fair much better when it comes to my list. The only two they listed were Beyond Twilight and Circus Maximus, so I ordered those two. An hour later I get an email from them saying they were out of stock on the Circus Maximus and would I like to substitute? Okay, they only actually had ONE from my list. I had been meaning to buy the new Shadow Gallery (and it should have been on my list) so I asked them if I could substitute that and how would I pay for the $2.50 price difference between Circus Maximus and Shadow Gallery. Their customer service guy emailed back within an hour and told me not to worry about the $2.50, he'd just send me the Shadow Gallery for the same price as CM. That was the only positive thing that came out of my latest attempted haul!
Yeah, well, compared to the music stores in Idaho Falls, I guess I've got it good! But still, end result is the same. I can't find what I really want on their shelves.

By the way, Zia had Evil Star too, multiple copies even. Wolf got some pretty good distribution on that one.
haha, come to North Dakota, the only store with a metal section is FYE, and it's half mallcore, and half metal. I usually have to resort to ordering from the internet, because they have SHIT selection at FYE, and I ordered Voivod - Dimension Hatross, and it took 2 FUCKING MONTHS for it to arrive. Wow, I was so frustrated with them, it was unbelievable.
I work in Manhattan and we have Virgin Megastore, Tower Records and J&R Music World, all of which stock basically every metal label you can think of, so I'm lucky.

J&R is not corporately owned, or should I say it's not owned by one of the mega-chains, so they have free reign to stock what they choose. They literally have everything you can think of, including tons of imports. They stock, literally, over 40 different Deep Purple releases!
They have an insanely huge FYE here, and surprising as it is, they actually DO have a good selection of Metal. Saw a good number of bands from nearly all of the genres. Only thing that sucks is that most cds are around about $16-$18
Hey Droog! When ya live in the boondocks ya gotta expect to have shinola for selections! And two months for a special order? Ugh, it's not like Voivod is some obscure Bavarian band that no one outside of that country has heard of. That's just pitiful.

I boycotted Tower a long time ago...the stores around here just stock the same shit you hear on the metal radio stations and see on MTV. Now this J&R Music World store...that sounds like it's the ticket! Alas, I refuse to fly to New York just to visit a decent record store.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Wolf got some pretty good distribution on that one.

Sorry about your happenings. I just posted regarding yours about specialized stores.

Distribution is one important thing, also procedence of the merchandise. I went to a metal store last Saturday, I couldn't find shit I want or even stuff at prices comparables to the ones I got via Internet. And almost leaving I found Kiko Loureiro new album at $15 (when online goes around 25-30), the best part was that it is a rare album but coming from Brazil came cheaper here than from Europe, and even cheaper than standard stuff from CM or BN coming from USA.

As for The End:

  • nowdays stuff doesn't come as faster to their werehouses as it used to be
  • still great price, free S&H on USA and excelent customer service
If you like Gay Pal (I hate them), I can recommend some other neat places for metal, maybe not as cheap and with a so-so service, but titles may appeal you:

www.hardnheavy.com (they used to give me a great service, but I don't use PP anymore)
www.sentinelsteel.com (I ahve a personal problem with them, but you may find it good)
www.moltenmetalusa.com (only money orders, neat prices)
I'm in Long Island so i had to make due with Sam Goody's and Tower Records.. of the two TR always has the better selection of metal... but lately im on a BM trip so some titles are difficult to find... i have to resort to special ordering (though i get special orders through Sam Goody's it seems for only $12 compared to buying in the actual store $16 to $20 ) ..... the only reason i dont like buying online is because i dont like paying for S/H which added with the sale price of the CD online.. pretty much comes out to the same price as in the store itself...
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
I'm in Long Island

Long Island? Well in 1992 when I was in NY, the then husband of my cousin (an insane CD collector) took me to a store in Long Island called "Purple Haze". I bought around 50 CDs at the time at great prices (actually I started my collection on CD format there).

If the store is still there you may try to check it out.
Wyvern said:
Long Island? Well in 1992 when I was in NY, the then husband of my cousin (an insane CD collector) took me to a store in Long Island called "Purple Haze". I bought around 50 CDs at the time at great prices (actually I started my collection on CD format there).

If the store is still there you may try to check it out.

yeah i think i know the store.. they advertise alot in the local music papers.. but i think they are way out east... and right now its a little chilly to go out east in NY lol BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I'm not a big PayPal fan either Wyv, but I had some credit with them that I put in there almost a year ago when I was first checking out ebay (still not impressed when it comes to cds). Like I said, I'm trying to stay off my credit card until I can get my balance beat down. For the immediate future, that means cash, checking account or, in this case, spending money I had almost forgotten about.

Appreciate the recommendations, but I hate dealing with smaller online companies who aren't proven. Too many shiesters on the internet, and I have NO TOLERANCE for poor customer service. I've boycotted many online stores because they fail to communicate. The End, that's their strong suit. Their customer service is awesome.

I commented over on Greeno's thread about Mom and Pop stores, but I'll re-iterate here by saying this. Zia Records can order from just about anywhere, I've seen very obscure bands on their shelves. The problem is, the person(s) who is doing the ordering. They just aren't informed on WHAT to stock, and pretty much stick with what's popular right now.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yeah, well, compared to the music stores in Idaho Falls, I guess I've got it good! But still, end result is the same. I can't find what I really want on their shelves.

By the way, Zia had Evil Star too, multiple copies even. Wolf got some pretty good distribution on that one.

Thanks for the reminder of how Idaho Falls has sh*tty music stores..as if I already didnt feel bad enough..eheheheheh

I am pretty lucky, I work for an airline and can fly anywhere..that gives me free reign to haunt music shops all over the country..Im getting the itch for another big trip...
Yea, every ONCE in a blue moon you can pull something out of Cd World, or God forbid Hastings...

And yes your right, the scenery is better than the shopping there...hahahah
I know I live in Los Angeles where one would think you could find anything you need...but not so true. Virgin Records, Tower Records, The Wherehouse and Sam Goody are the major players but they stock their music by neighborhood. So if you are in Van Nuys, chances are they'll stock a lot of pop and hip hop. If you go to the Sunset Tower records you can damn near find anything you want but prices are 14.99 to 17.99 for a CD.

I love, love, love Ameboa records, there are 3 in California. They carry anything you want; tapes, vinyl, 45's, jazz, collectibles, posters, new, used, cd, dvd, etc., etc., etc. They have a large death metal section and their power metal selection is okay but could use a few more bands. There are a few bands I've only found on the internet....and it's always great when you find that company that will ship for free!!!
kittybeast said:
I know I live in Los Angeles where one would think you could find anything you need...but not so true. Virgin Records, Tower Records, The Wherehouse and Sam Goody are the major players but they stock their music by neighborhood. So if you are in Van Nuys, chances are they'll stock a lot of pop and hip hop. If you go to the Sunset Tower records you can damn near find anything you want but prices are 14.99 to 17.99 for a CD.

I love, love, love Ameboa records, there are 3 in California. They carry anything you want; tapes, vinyl, 45's, jazz, collectibles, posters, new, used, cd, dvd, etc., etc., etc. They have a large death metal section and their power metal selection is okay but could use a few more bands. There are a few bands I've only found on the internet....and it's always great when you find that company that will ship for free!!!

Sam Goody's is horrible when it comes to selection.. not much underground and/or extreme metal bands... but if you do a special order through them you can usually get the CD for $12... FYE is even more horrible with selection... as for Ameboa , they dont have any BM? :erk:
Kitty re-iterates my point. A giant metro area like Los Angeles SHOULD have multiple music stores focused on underground and rare music. As fans, we're almost being FORCED to buy over the internet. Sad...

Free shipping, that's The End Records, kitty! Cheap prices, free shipping, great place to order music from if you can find what you want.
Not much around here at all. I do 90% of my shopping on-line now. The one place I used to go to shut down around 3-4 years ago. Now I buy the occasional CD at Best Buy or somewhere like that. It sucks, but it's just the economics of it all. I actually looked into buying the place that shut down and quickly decided against it. With internet shopping and downloading, I seen it wasn't a buisness to get into.
Unfaithfully Metalhead said:
.. as for Ameboa , they dont have any BM? :erk:

BM = black metal.....or death metal I suppose. Ameoba has a rather large selection of Black Metal, it's their power metal section that could use some help. :Spin: