New Anthrax Tour: I'm Getting Antsy

Call me anxious, but the dates... they are starting to scare me.

So far, no Philadelphia date. It looks a little scary. I just checked, and The Trocadero is free for the 3-days open in the current Anthrax tour schedule. Same for The TLA, The Electric Factory, Tweeter Center, and Tower Theater.

I sure hope that they do a Philly show. I don't wanna drive up to Allentown to see them. If I have to do that, I'll go to the NYC show.
Chicago is a fun ass town. If Anthrax ever play there in the summer, I'll go. Fuck going there in the winter. I'm happy they're playing Baltimore in the DC/Baltimore corner of the nation this time. As much as I love the convenience of them playing in Springfield,Va right in the backyard of my childhood home, I'm sick of seeing them at Jaxx. Baltimore is a fun town too. People there are casually southern/blue collar. They haven't played Baltimore in years. I think the metalheads of Baltimore are more Belladonna fans. I have old old old video I took during the V8 tour in 96 and the band stumbles out of a Baltimore club and Bush was really animated towards my camera in a good way.

Remember that photo album that they talk about on the Beavis and Butthead album that they were on. Well, it really exists. I've seen it.
I'm going to Allentown, because I LOVE that venue. The sound is so/so, but everything else about that place I love. Ordered my ticket the other day
Thrillho said:
No car? Take a train to Norristown man, I'll give you a ride.

If I have to, I may. I still need to get back home from it, though, so unless your up to driving back to Philly...

At any rate, January 9th is still open. I'm a little sure this will be the Philly date. Seriously, what kind of Anthrax tour is it withouth Philly? :dopey:
Thrillho said:
Not enough good bands come to philly anymore.

Agreed. I sincerly think it's Clear Channels fault. Seriously, it could be. I used to work at FYE, which is owned by Clear Channel, and they always reminded us that we were one of the largest Urban Music markets in the U.S. :erk: . I'm sure the same is true of the Chicago area, though. The fact that the Troc was bought by the House of Blues last year hasn't helped much; they've been trying to get more and more Urban acts and the owners are trying to send a lot of the hard rock/metal acts to, suprise-suprise, the TLA, owned by Clear Channel!

Yea I am glad I live in Chicago but i'm still traveling to see them Jan 13th at the house of blues in Chicago then the 16th at some venue in Omaha should be some good times