New Audio Interface


Jan 23, 2006
Hi guys!
I'm on the market for new audio interface for my new Cubase 4 (with Windows).
What is your advice for Best FireWire Audio Interface for the price range 500-600$ or a little bit more?

I need solid-low latency and timing. I'm using software amp simulators for tracking mostly.....
I need to be sure that it will work with Cubase 4 without any drivers problems...

Here are some of the possible cards, but what are going to be your advices?

Thanks in advance!
My two favourites are the PreSonus Firepod and the M-Audio FireWire 1814. Can somebody here compare the quality of the preamps between the MOTU 8pre, PreSonus Firepod and the M-Audio FireWire 1814?
Ok, a couple things I noticed about the Firepod and the 1814 when comparing them.

A) The 1814 has a higher microphone input impedance at 1.8k Ohms, meaning dynamic microphones like the SM-57 won't get along with it as well as it will with the Firepod. However, the Firepod is only down at 1.3k Ohms, which is still not preferable for your SM-57 or similar microphones. However, according to Oz, condensor microphones love high impedance, so I would judge this on whether you will be using more condensor microphones or more dynamic microphones.

B) The 1814 has a lower instrument input impedance than the Firepod at 500k Ohms vs. 1M Ohms, which, according to Oz, isn't preferable when reamping, but I'm guessing it applies to recording the instrument inputs as well.

I haven't been able to find any of this information for the MOTU 8pre, and until I found some, I would buy the Firepod before I bought the 1814. Fortunately, I already have a Firepod. Never had a problem with it.
Unavailable, thank you very much for this information!
But really, 1.3k Ohms is still a little bit high, but I guess I'm going for the Pod. Anyone else here?
I struggled with the same options, and in the end I was left with Firepod or 8Pre. The Motu had some really nice features (meters on front panel, adat i/o, sleek looks :)), but it's lack of outputs seemed too restrictive. And yet there are many Firepod owners on this forum, so at least I won't be alone :) I should get my Firepod sometime this week, but since I'm off to a summer fest tomorrow (four days of booze-o-rama, Chimaira, Lamb of God, As I lay dying etc :rock:) I can't pick it up before monday :/