New Audition - give it an ear!


The Soulskinner
Hey Guys!

Please check out these two files (mp3 and video), performed by "Tremors" a band from my area (South Germany). - Killing aggression.mp3 (Live Video)


I really like their sound and I think the vocals would fit perfectly in Bloodbath stuff.

The vocalist (Christian Scherer) has a lot of stage expirience, is capable of screaming and reeeaally deep growls etc.

Give it an ear!



Here´s "Cry my Name" with Chris´ Vox on!
Check it out:
But is this really an audition? Looks more like a "sugestion" to me, or have you spoken with the guy so you know that hes up for it? Who wouldnt want to do it though, but you never know.

(Id still rather see Jörgen Sandström take the job before this guy)
This dude's pretty good. Although I'm not a big fan of screaming, and definately not of fast alteration between low grunts and higher screams. But he's brutal.

I only started grunting myself this year.
But i think I'll try anyway. Just for fun. I don't sound all that shabby i think :p
I don't claim to be a vocal expert or anything, but I think Christian has professional quality vox all the way. Sounds Great, Good luck! Hey Qth, Who is Jörgen Sandström ?
Fleshcrawl said:
@Qth: He´s a good friend of mine and he´s definitely interested in it.

...still waiting for a contact email... :)

still waiting for a contact email?
i think you should send e-mail and mp3 link to anders.