New Audition - give it an ear!

really wish I could listen to all the auditions here... impossible with this slow computer- but things will change very soon, hopefully...
man this chris should definately be in bloodbath, he sound like peter but with a bit deeper voice, i think if bloodbath went to the studio with chris they could turn out some awesome stuff!
I just have to say this, not because of the fact that im a competitor, but arent the vocals recorded by Chris a bit overrated? I mean, yes he is a great vocalist and all, but you guys make him sound like a god... and i am not saying that i am better than him, cuz obviously after the comments i am not... But the recording for example he made for CMN is not even growl in my opinnion, some kind of gurgling...nothing compared to Mike and Peter.
and sorry for the harsh words chris, if i say something that will cause upset i actually mean it 10 times less.. some of the other clips you made would definitely mach bloodbath grade, anyway keep rocking man