New audition, listen up.

The only thing i think of when i hear this is.... NU-metal....Worst audition on this forum for now. The growling thing maybe fits in this nu-metal clip, -i dont know?!
The more important thing is the music. Okey maybe not more but equal.
breeding death said:
The only thing i think of when i hear this is.... NU-metal....Worst audition on this forum for now. The growling thing maybe fits in this nu-metal clip, -i dont know?!
The more important thing is the music. Okey maybe not more but equal.

Last time I checked I was auditioning for vocals, not guitars or drums. I guess you don't have the ability to comprehend or appreciate polyrhythms - they're hardly "nu-metal". But if it will make you sleep better at night, here's a Death Metal audition of mine.
Great audition man, I liked the Meshuggah styled clip better, and I can´t see the thing about NU-metal in it? Have Meshuggah started playing Nu-metal?
It's pretty good....not bad but i dont think it equals or outdoes Mike or Peter. That audition didn't give enough range or versitility....try covering bastard son of god, it's the Karaoke that demands the most skill and versitility in my opinion.
Thats pretty good! The death metal version that is. Personal favorite audition
Lo0z3R said:
Great audition man, I liked the Meshuggah styled clip better, and I can´t see the thing about NU-metal in it? Have Meshuggah started playing Nu-metal?

so annoying............Meshuggah Is NU-Metal! u think its death metal?....I dont see any patterns of death metal.
Meshuggah is thrash... technical thrash, Chaosphere is Nu metal???? please... anyway I think that start a fight about nu metal in this forum is not a good idea... Bloodbath rules... Hell yeah
BastardSonOfGod said:
Meshuggah is thrash... technical thrash, Chaosphere is Nu metal???? please... anyway I think that start a fight about nu metal in this forum is not a good idea... Bloodbath rules... Hell yeah

Technical....Its not very technical to tune down your guitars too A and just play same chord over and over again, they just change the rhytm of it.

Nu-metal = slow
Thrash = fast
Wow... you are saying that Meshuggah is not technical... just try to play something of Chaosphere or Contradiction Collapse... I think that you don't understand the music of Meshuggah... His drummer is very technical, the guitar player use an amazing 8 strings guitar, so he use unusual chords... and thrash doesn't means Speed music... Not all the songs of Slayer are full speed...