New Avantasia DVD released! Awesome!

That looks great... have you found a link to purchase it? I could not see it in amazon...
HOLY SHIT!!!! Did you notice who the two guitar palyers are? No other than Sascha Paeth and OLIVER HARTMANN!!!!! Oliver is awesome, not only a great singer but a great guitar player

When I saw Avantasia in Stockholm last year, I didn't know what Oliver Hartmann looked like (but I knew who he was, of course). So I was very surprised when, during Stargazers, someone we hadn't heard before suddenly started singing Russell's part with incredible power - you could barely tell it wasn't Russell himself. I looked closer and realized that it was the bald guitarist who, until then, had been pretty laid-back and anonymous (apart from his occasional awesome solo of course). He had by far the best voice of anyone on stage that night, and yet he only really participated in that song. After the show we realized that it was Oliver Hartmann. :p
The only places I've been able to Pre-Order it is CDinzane and I believe I saw it on Century Media's webstore, but I could be mistaken on that.
HOLY SHIT!!!! Did you notice who the two guitar palyers are? No other than Sascha Paeth and OLIVER HARTMANN!!!!! Oliver is awesome, not only a great singer but a great guitar player

Oliver was amazing during the whole show. Not only great on the guitar, but he's got a fantastic voice. I didn't even know who it was till after the concert when I could look him up, as it was the first thing I was curious about. I just had never paid attention to all the vocalists on the Advantasia albums as I just sort of enjoyed them as a whole.

It really was an amazing concert. I'm so eager to get this if only so I can not only see it again, but up close.
Another video clip damn glad Sean told me where to order this, which i did yesterday.

I saw the show at Wacken 2008, it was fantastico! :Spin:

I realized who both guitar players were right away, though I didn't know it before the show. That alone made it much better for me. In fact, the only special guest I didn't recognize was Bob Catley from Magnum.

Major highlight of that whole trip was sitting next to Andre Matos on the plane from Frankfurt to Hamburg. :)
Can someone tell me when this will be available in the USA?? I can't even find it on :(.....
Another video, thanks Sean Q for the link

It just sucks that the DVD isn't going to be released in the USA :(
Oh well, guess I'll have to just wait until someone posts the entire concert on utube....
I saw the track listing at, and I'm really bummed that Runaway Train didn't make the DVD. Really bummed. They played that at the show I was at, and it was one of the highlights for sure. Was hoping it might have just gotten cut for time and be on the second DVD, but no... It's still a buy for me, but a little let down. I'd have much rather dumped a different song, or maybe they just didn't have it in the show when they recorded this.
This tour took place before TWS/AoB came out, hence no Runaway Train. If it was for the recent tour, I would've massively agreed. Bob Catley was GREAT.