New Axis of Perdition Track

Tetsuo unit

Mouthpeice of Perdition
Mar 14, 2004
As I type the masters are currently crawling across the face of the Earth to the Code666 offices. The expect release is some time in May. More videos and maybe a track or two will be available between now and the release date.

For now go to our website at to hear a new track whilst we crawl back into our fetid holes to sleep for the next month.
new AXIS t-shirts ready!!!! soon on sale on our webstore :)

Yesssss! Emi, will there be some kind of pre-order of 'Tenements...' and the t-shirt in one like you guys have done for Amesoeurs, Negura Bunget, etc?
I also need to get the Fen album at the same time.:wave: