New band, buttrock, radio blah blah

seen it when you shared it on FB both with vanisher and yourself, I'm having this song on repeat for quite a while now!
Loving the hook and the song overall. Normally I really don't sucked into that kind of stuff this fast :lol:

out of interest, both drums and bass programmed, right?
Thanks! Yeah for these roughs we just went that route. We weren't even planning on releasing music for a while, but this show popped up out of now where and well here we are hahaha.
Thanks! Yeah for these roughs we just went that route. We weren't even planning on releasing music for a while, but this show popped up out of now where and well here we are hahaha.

It's obviously not harming the music, cause I catched myself singing the song all night haha
Was just a bit more obvious on the verse where the bass is solo, but I was just interested to hear if I heard ghost ( pun-y) or not ;)

Great work man, really keen to hear more!