New Band From Brian Hood.


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2009
Here's a new band Mixed and Mastered by Brian Hood:

I'm in the band, and I'm open to answer any questions.
We're on tour right now, but when I get a chance I'll post a full gear and signal chain list for each instrument.

Cheers :).

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It's like Decoder with heavier vocals/A Defeater clean song with heavier vocals, not bad tbh. What amp was used on the guitars? There's no way it was 5150 like in the video, lol.

Also, did Brian Hood just mix this? Did you guys record this yall selves?

A bro with tunnels and streetwear getting super passionate with a scenic backdrop, including a spoken word passage about 'all that he's been through'? (I feel for you man, working real hard so you can afford the latest Obey X Supreme collaboration is the modern day civil rights movement).
Orange cabs in a field?
Copious amounts of shall depth of field focuses?
Playing Tele's cos you're super legit but you still have the Peavey's from when you played deathcore 12 months ago?
Wearing one token Bridge 9 band shirt for extra hardcore cred?

This is pretty much For The Fallen Dreams with clean guitars, production's nice though.
Nope, can´t possibly like this, ever in a thousand years, sorry. Plus, the lyrics irritate my socks, but so does anything remotely religious to the point I think I´m biased against it. No personal offense intended, but it just comes off as way too fake and cheesy for me.

Are all your songs like this? Deathcore ballads?
haha this is kinda funny for all the reasons already posted; but i think you could be onto something here! that jazz bass breakdown with the twinkly clean tele made me LOL. could definately see this awkward style becoming a new 'thing', and there's probably at least another year or two of life left in jesuscore so go for it! nice production. love all of brian's work.
im terribly sorry to inform you, but this is already a "new thang", its the metalcorekids gone deathcore now gone postrock, the elijah were probably one of the first bands doing this, and they're amazing.

About Being As An Ocean... the mix sounds really really good, altho' the thumpy bassdrum is really really annoying. Not because its thumpy per sé but because its overplayed, if there were less hits the sound would be ok, but for the playing in the song i'd prefer a less overblown sound.

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So this is what happens when deathcore dudes form a Mewithoutyou cover band.

I love the mix though.
A bro with tunnels and streetwear getting super passionate with a scenic backdrop, including a spoken word passage about 'all that he's been through'? (I feel for you man, working real hard so you can afford the latest Obey X Supreme collaboration is the modern day civil rights movement).
Orange cabs in a field?
Copious amounts of shall depth of field focuses?
Playing Tele's cos you're super legit but you still have the Peavey's from when you played deathcore 12 months ago?
Wearing one token Bridge 9 band shirt for extra hardcore cred?

deathcore dudes? lol
Where are you getting this from.

hardcore maybe but not deathcore.
I can totally see what they are going for with this.

most people freak out and hate anything that is different.
deathcore dudes? lol
Where are you getting this from.

hardcore maybe but not deathcore.
I can totally see what they are going for with this.

most people freak out and hate anything that is different.

i dont know :zzz: it comes off like a gimmick. All of the sudden EVERY SINGLE BAND plays serious-core :loco: with their teles and tunnels :rolleyes: a mixture between hardcore and hipster. We get it, your crabcore/dance/dubstep/jazz album sold 56 are sad.. you are pissed off. Theres no need to get melodramatic :D
hahaha, "softcore" hits the nail on the head

not being a dick really, i mean it doesn't sound bad at all, just soft

also, i have not much clue about the genre, and i feel like a noob saying it, but could it be that this sounds a lot like bring me the horizon?