New Band, New Song... Jazzy Post Hardcore


Mar 7, 2011
Just finished recording our first demo with my new band. I tracked it in the drummers garage. He has a Custom set from Precision, with Meinl cymbals. I have an Engl Blackmore, with 4x12 Mesa Rectifier straight slant cab. Bass was tracked in Pod Farm. Any advice or comments?

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I think the mix is pretty good for this kind of music, but the OHs are a bit loud at points, especially the hats. The snare could use a hint of reverb or a transient or something to get it less 'dry' sounding, but that's my preference. The distorted guitars could be a little louder.
Sorry to ask, but have you used compression on ANYTHING?... everything about the drums is so dry and loose, you've gotta compress it a fair amount to get some energy there, not just the overheads, but the snare and kick too! And give the drums some stereo separation, pan those overheads hard left and right...
Yea that was a pretty rough mix. Here's the updated mix. As far as the guitar tone I didn't use DI's or a reamp box so I'm stuck with what I've got all i can do is post process...
Help me please, can't figure out why my mix sounds so damn gay...

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