New Bass Amp


Lazy Bastard
Jan 14, 2006
Gold Coast, Australia
This has been on the cards for a while, (and I hate to admit it but) I have finally outgrown my first amp. Its a little Ashton BA-15 practice amp, and it serves me well except when I jam with my mates-then it lets me down volume wise (it starts to distort when EQ is maxed to make up the volume). You guys seem to know alot, so what would you recommend as a second amp? Preferably under $US500. Also, while I'm here, I was thinking about getting a meaty pedal. Any recommendations, but cheaper is preferable because the amp is gonna take most of my cash.
First, if you're going to be playing with others, it's recommended that you get an amplifier that has a wattage rating at or greater than 300 watts. This is usually enough to at least compete with the drums and a guitar player.

If you can't spend more than $500 and you still need an amplifier, I recommend buying your amp used. Unfortunately, if you want something new, you're probably not going to find something with the wattage ratings that you're looking for in that price range.

(You can still use your practice amplifier in conjunction with the new one and, since you're not having to drive your amp to it's limits, you can use the combined volumes of both. You would still need some way to split the signal coming from your bass, but your local music retailer should be able to help you with that.)
MetalMessiah9999 said:
^^^ You mean 30 right?

No, 300 watts.

Anything under 300 watts for a bass amplifier is way underpowered for band use. For a guitar, you can get away with it because you're dealing with a different set of sonic frequencies.
I dont think it really needs to be that high, I'd be plenty fine with a punchy 120 watt amp. I'm only competeing with 30 or so watts...its just a jam group, not a band (yet). But hey, if you think otherwise I'll just save up a little longer and buy a HUGE fucker with pre amp and the works (my mate might be buying a 150 W guitar box, so it all could work out in the end).
I was working with a 1000 watt amp running biamped at 750 watts. Believe me, even with 2 guitars and drums, I could be heard clearly and loudly in fact, that our drummer was always screaming, "TURN IT DOWN!" :D
harryhash said:
I dont think it really needs to be that high, I'd be plenty fine with a punchy 120 watt amp. I'm only competeing with 30 or so watts...its just a jam group, not a band (yet). But hey, if you think otherwise I'll just save up a little longer and buy a HUGE fucker with pre amp and the works (my mate might be buying a 150 W guitar box, so it all could work out in the end).

if your mate is only buying a 150W cab... well, the 150W is the maximum of wattage that the cab can TAKE
a cab doesnt produce sound all by itself....
It's nice to have the capability of more volume, but you should be able to do fine with most sub-$500 amps. Our bassist uses a 60-watt 15" combo at practice, and it's perfectly audible. In most live situations, you're either going to be miked or run straight to the mixing board via a DI box, so there are many options in your price range.