New bass


Nihilistic SoL AsundeR
Jan 23, 2004
Land of Nod
I need help on buying a new bass, as of right now I own a Bc Rich Nj Warlock and an Gibson Les Paul Standard bass. These are the three basses I have been loking at.

:>Gibson Thunderbird IV Bass($1159.99)
:>Bc Rich Nj Beast($599.99)
:>Fender Jazz Bass($999.99)

Or I could go cheap and get an Epiphone Thunderbird IV bass($350)
go for a warwick.

the gibson is ok, but for that money you can get a warwick and youll get better sound and a much faster neck

you allready have one NJ bc rich, why get another. the specs are virtually the same

and fender is over rated. you can get a much more pronounced sound from a warwick and it will play better and last longer.

i play a warwick fortress MM 5 string (no longer in production) and it plays really smooth. i can fly up and down the neck, the pickups are nice and warwick has always used the best wood available. and there are some good deals on ebay for warwicks. check their site and check ebay. GC carries em so you can play some of them there, they stock mainly corvettes and thumbs. all in either bolt on, set neck, or neck thru
Don't overlook the higher end of Peavey basses (same would go for a guitar.) The Peavey Cirrus 5 string is absolutely amazing, but it is about 1200 smackers. : (

I love the Fender Precisions and they sound pretty sweet, but they have a tough scale (long one) for some.

i've played a few fender precisions-if you want to get a good one,try and find one from the sixties.dont bother with ones from 72 onwards imo,they play like planks.the warwicks are cool,but i could never afford one when i was younger.
the best bass i've ever owned was a yamaha-it played like a dream.
Howabout a nice Conklin with more strings than you have fingers? :D

Don't bother with the Beast, I've heard that its strap attachment thing stabs the crap out of you while you play.
vintage fenders are the best basses ever

i have a 71 jazz bass, and its amazing. my teacher has a 59 jazz bass thats better than anything youve ever played.