New basses!!

It sounds elitist (and hell I don't even play bass!), but there's something really cool about an unlined fretless...

I just don't like the lined ones. I prefer a fretless unlined one for look and I prefer the 1 piece (ebony) fretboard than a 'mutilated' one, only to be filled with awful lines. Playing fretless it's like to play cello, violin, etx, with practice you can master it. Fretless basses have a lot of advantages compared to the fretted ones IMO. You can apply all techniques from a fretted one on a fretless, but a freted can't do the same than a fretless. Also you have the infinite tone alternatives (there's no the fret limitation to the standard tunning), so u can use 'microtones', slide harmonics, chords, a more tasteful playing, etx.
I too prefer lined fretless. But if it is a FANNED FRETLESS it's a lot confusing if it's unlined, like the one in the picture below.

You can slide harmonics on a fretted too, although it's more difficult.
mm I don´t agree

You can certainly slide them on a fretted, but they get less sustain because of the frets touching the string, so they sound better, and you can slide them farther, on a fretless, that´s true. I play fretted and rarely can slide a harmonic more than two frets. good or changing one whole note, but not more.
gonzoguri got it right. the frets touching the string can kill the harmonic that's why it's A LOT more difficult to slide harmonics on fretted, but it's doable.
A few more pictures:




So, a few changes were made regarding bass #2:
Body: 5 piece Poplar (Aspen)
Neck: 3 piece Maple
Frettingboard: Wenge
Head top plate: Flamed Maple
I am extremely happy the way the basses have turned out, couldn't have asked for more.
They sound very good, and the playabillity gets a full score from me, just a few adjustments remains to get the action low enough for my liking. There is a little weight difference between the two basses, bass #2 is about 2/3's the weight of bass #1. Anyway, enjoy the pictures for now, I'll upload some soundbytes later on, I just have to get used to handling these monsters ;)












