New Blast Beat:


Feb 2, 2002
Waaaaahhh!!! :cry: Charlie's new Blast Beat doesn't mention shit about the rumors.:cry:
WAAAAAHHH!! How could they do this to us??!!?? WAAAAHH! I'm crying like a little bitch. :cry: Boo-fucking-Hoo!! I'm sick of not hearing... blah, blah, blah!
Attention everyone: Shut up. You don't have to be all whiney and bitchy about what the band doesn't tell us. I don't know what's fact or fiction, but I know we'll be informed about anything IF we need to be. They haven't told us anything because...........
THERE'S NOTHING TO REPORT. Rumors are rumors. Believe what you want. And, until anything is confirmed, please stop whining!!!
there is nothing to report BUT there is something to either confirm or deny.
posting pictures of themselves posing seems much more important to them...
While I would like to know as well... it could be some contractual thing where they aren't allowed to say jack or don't want to confirm/deny until there's people signed on the dotted line or something like that. At least that has been the case with label/band stuff I have dealt with before. And yes, it is frustrating! :)
I say it again, crybabies!!!!!!!!!!
Trax owns you nothing!! thay can respond whenever they want to, and yes they will perform with Bush and Belladonna!! don't like it?? don't go!!

Tad!! you are the man!!
IF i knew something that not saying i do but.... i might have heard that Dynamo is going to happen...... Who told me this ... a un-names source(a writer for a european publication.)
Yes but if the Dynamo thing is confirmed officialy, it´s weird we don´t see it there. And as I said before, had it been rumours and lies, it would have been denied a long time ago.
Fuck all of you, you will be all on this shit when its announced, Be true fans and stop cryin. You to Tad, I told you the deal and you are leading everyone astray. Tell the truth or tell nothing. You all will be Happ at the end, if not, you where nothing to begine with. Long Live Anthrax!!!! JB or JB..
I must admit. I've also had a real attitude problem lately.
Maybe we got our periods?