New blog post from Scott


Jul 14, 2010
New blog post from Scott. 7 songs written for new Anthrax album, apart from lyrics. Fast and riffy. More so than Worship. He's also had some trouble with his plumbing. In his house, that is. Link? Can't be arsed. I'm on my ewPad.

According to a post on the official web site of ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian, drummer Charlie Benante, bassist Frank Bello and Ian are "working hard" on material for the next ANTHRAX album. Ian writes: "We've had a couple of writing sessions and things are moving along well — fast for us, actually. We've got seven songs arranged musically and we're getting together again in a week and a half."

He adds: "The new stuff is aggressive, fast, even riffier than the last record and some of it is difficult to play. Nothing like writing parts that are above my ability as a guitar player! When that happens, the drill sergeant in my brain yells, 'PRACTICE, YOU LAZY FUCK!' So I do. And I nail that shit.

"I'm just getting into lyrics, songtitles, nothing to talk about yet."
We really could be seeing a new album in 2014.

Worship More Music

I'm hopeful. I would love to get some progress updates as they go along. And if Scott keeps adding weekly updates, as he suggests, then his blog might end up a good place to visit on a regular basis. His indication that the new album will be riffier and faster than Worship Music certainly appeals to me, although I genuinly enjoyed WM and wouldn't mind a follow-up that stayed in a similar musical landscape. I like it when bands mix things up, though. It increases the chanches of a new album turning out to be a grower. And I love growers.
Great news!! "riffier and faster" "The new stuff is aggressive, fast, even riffier than the last record and some of it is difficult to play":yow:

Can't wait!!!! :headbang:
I think we'll see something either late 2014 or into 2015. I am getting a vbe that they have learned from mistakes made in years gone by, and they know they have to take momentum gathered over the last couple of years and keep it rolling. Hell...... they were writing within days of completing the WM tours, band members seem to be stable - there's no reason for this to slow down.