New Brainstorm

I am looking forward to hearing this. Hopefully the aggression is there this time.
IMHO, Liquid Monster and Soul Temptation are both brilliant discs.
Agreed. I can't wait to hear this, though the promo has voiceovers so I'll be avoiding that. I like Mark Gromen's comment in his review of Downburst...

"these ten tunes benefit from the symphonic diversification sweeping through the power metal movement, i.e. Primal Fear, Iced Earth, etc." :kickass:
'Downburst' is a kick ass record! I got the promo from Metal Blade & it's the first Brainstorm album I can remember liking instantly...agressive & melodic...very good songs! It needs to soak in a little more, but "Fire Walk With Me" and "End In Sorrow" are killer & 2 of my early faves from the CD...
I've only heard part of "Downburst," but what I heard I really liked. It is indeed a kick ass metal album. Although I should mention that I was already a big fan of Brainstorm and loved both "Soul Temptation" and "Liquid Monster," ST being my favorite of the two. I seem to really enjoy whatever Andy Franck has his hands in, as I really enjoy Symphorce as well, although between the two bands, I prefer Brainstorm.
Im starting to think many of these bands are suffering the quantity over quality syndrome. Most of the melodies from the new Brainstorm sound recycled. IMO Edguy has suffered from this fate as of late, and more bands are continuing. I'm really hoping that Jorn doesnt go down this path as well. I dont hate the new disc, but it doesnt sound like a breath of fresh air either, and sounds like everything I've already heard from Brainstorm for the most part. Still a few solid tracks can be heard.

I still "LOL" at the "it leaked" threads. If I made a thread everytime a CD leaked I'd have the entire forum consumed with them.