New! Campbell's "Soup at Hand"

The Dope

Sep 19, 2002
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Anyone tried it? I'm having Blended Vegetable Medley at the moment, and it is pretty good and only takes about a minute and a half to make. Then you just drink it out of the container it comes in. Go try it, I dare you.
seriously, what is so bad about using a canopener, a saucepan, and stirring stuff? human laziness blows my mind. i picture people with weak hearts, pale faces, and wheelchairs to cart their fat asses around holding instant soup at hand cups gasping about how tasty it is.
not wheelchairs. segways. huge, obese people on segways, scooting into the elevator in their office, never dismounting except to plop into their office chair or their couch at home. NEVER walking again!
i want a segway! it's on my wish list and everything. i might have to wear a ski mask when i ride it for the first year or two, but i'm sure it'll catch on. back in the day farmers used to make fun of people riding newfangled horseless carriages around, too!
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon
I'm SO getting a Segway when I move somewhere where it doesn't snow.
That's just what I was thinking- well, sort of. I was more thinking about all the times i watched people with those things in Chicago trying to maneuver in the snow.

And i never knew they were called "segways".
Well, I guess I should say "seeing people" instead of "watching people" because the watching part implies that I just stood by and gawked while they and their semi-handi-machinery helplessly floundered in the drifts of snow. Makes me look insensitive, and we don't want that.