New CD purchases...

every Tori Cd is amazing





Got these for Xmas:

DT - Train of Thought

Dimmu Borgir - DCA and PME....decided to get the cd's after seeing them on the last tour with Nevermore

Props to those admitting to listening to Tori Amos....have seen her live 5 times with my wife, and she is quite a sexual being. I always say I must be the only person that has seen her and Slayer in the same year!
Dead_Lioness said:
absolutely !

the Darkness are not metal tho, kinda glam rock, but they are cool! and funny!

Vexed is great, if you love thrash metal,

and The Legion, - i simply love that cd, i think its a must.

My sis has that "The Darkness" cd... omg it's so terrible :lol: but it's still funny and it's not that bad.

The singer is as fag as they come though :lol:
dreaming neon darkspot said:

I. Need. Bloodbath. Now.
*curses self for not remembering to get Resurrection Through Carnage yesterday* I've wanted that CD ever since I read about them in Metal Maniacs.

It's alright - you could make a better purchase with your cash but it's still good :D