New Celtic Frost - Streaming song....

I heard the complete album, it's very ,very dark and nearly Doom Metal. I think it's very good, need to spin it a few times but it's different, makes you wanna listen to it again...Gonna see Frost live end of May, been 20 years or so since I saw them last time...
sixxswine said:
I have an advance of this in the mail, also Tom was on Sirius last week and part two of the interview coming Friday... I burned part one and will get #2 on Friday...

Part Two of the interview was already aired Tuesday and will rerun Friday. They'll play a new song at the end of the show, Os Abysmi Val Daath. :rock:

Looking forward to this disc.
Okay, had to do a download on the album, just to check it out thoroughly (hey, I'll buy it when it comes out too, so not too cheezy of me). Anyway, I'm more than a little impressed. Very atmospheric in places, crushingly heavy in others, and a combination of both in still other places.

A very fine return to form, and yet very outward thinking, or forward thinking. Very, very good record.
sumairetsu said:
Part Two of the interview was already aired Tuesday and will rerun Friday. They'll play a new song at the end of the show, Os Abysmi Val Daath. :rock:

Looking forward to this disc.

Well, can't wait to hear it. Hey what do you make of the interviewer?
He's totally unprepared!!! He sounds like a guy who was doing his first interview ever!!!!! They should have got that Jose guy to do it....
Love the Yucko Avatar.....
kittybeast said:
Dare I mention they are playing in Los Angeles in October?

Yup, but then again they are playing everywhere. That's a long tour! I'm gonna see them in SF at the Fillmore for sure. Tickets are already on sale, but was waiting for payday Monday since I just bought tickets to Queensryche (and a few more CDs than usual) this paycheck.
ElectricWiz said:
Yup, but then again they are playing everywhere. That's a long tour! I'm gonna see them in SF at the Fillmore for sure. Tickets are already on sale, but was waiting for payday Monday since I just bought tickets to Queensryche (and a few more CDs than usual) this paycheck.

whew! I'll be skipping the show as they are playing the following week past the Queensryche show and the Kamelot show....can't go to everything though I'll give it my best shot.
ElectricWiz said:
Here's a preview of a song from the new Celtic Frost album...........

Sounds pretty good. Plodding, doomy, etc. etc. I've heard great things about the album from those who have heard it. We'll see.

Oh yes it's 'Ground' I already downloaded when it was an ogg sample. A lot of doom with a non-annoying touch of industrial IMO, I dug it and therefore i'm waiting to check the whole album.

NP: Tribuzy - 'Nature Of Evil'
kittybeast said:
whew! I'll be skipping the show as they are playing the following week past the Queensryche show and the Kamelot show....can't go to everything though I'll give it my best shot.

I'll post a review! Anyway, I'm doing the Queensryche show too, but not the Kamelot. Should be a cool week!
sixxswine said:
Well, can't wait to hear it. Hey what do you make of the interviewer?
He's totally unprepared!!! He sounds like a guy who was doing his first interview ever!!!!! They should have got that Jose guy to do it....
Love the Yucko Avatar.....

Yeah, that's Ian for you. He's a better writer and DJ than an interviewer. He sounds the same way with ALL of his interviews. :rolleyes: If you thought the CF interview was bad, you should have heard him interviewing Tony Iommi.
Incidentally, I've heard the whole album (several times) now. Illegal download. I'll still buy it, so that's how I sleep at night, in case you were wondering. Haha.

Anyway, it's fantastic. Brilliant. Maybe the best "comeback" album ever....that I can think of anyway. Priest should take a page out of Celtic Frost's book - for spirit, not sound obviously. Anyway, it is a top notch album, and will surely be in my year end top ten....rather high up I assume.
Checking it right now and it's not my cup of tea, a mix of industrial and ambiental stuff, owing more to modern BM than to old CF. On the other hand Warrior's vocals are great, 'Incantation Against' is very interesting (not as much as 'Tristesses de la Lune' but alright), and in general it's a weel done album, just not my type of metal.
It's not my cup of tea either! And yes, I have tried to listen, and so far I can't make it through the whole album.
I'm thinking this may be MY cup of tea (get your own tea! :p ). All of the stuff that I've heard from it so far I've enjoyed.

Hell, it's been 3 days and I've still got the chorus part of Progeny stuck in my head!