New Chimaira

Andy doesn't go to anybody, it's always the other way around. To illustrate, Andy never goes to the toilets, the toilets come to him (or if they don't, he'll just pee where he's standing, for example the Download Festival Backstage ;)).
RealisticMicLover 666 said:
well, here are the boys just hanging out at anteup studios.
thanks for the photo andy!

The scary thing about this pic, its the original, the pic that andy posted was photoshopped!
Funny stuff! Good luck to you guys.

Andy - you really need to have the Chimara boys take you to Christies!!! Trust me on that one.
Yeah, this guy I used to work with/for back in the day left his PC all unguarded, so, a buddy of mine and I changed his screensaver and wallpaper to totally gay shit, and passworded it... he was pissed.

But, having to find random gayness was like going to church.

All odd and fucked up, lol
Some colleagues and I once posted an online gay personal advert for a dude who we worked with. Something to the effect of "petite geek with glasses seeks large hairy latino into watersports"....his inbox was flooded.
Does that mean I'm gay if I've been staring at that pic for the past 5 minutes laughing hysterically? Damn I need to grow up. Seriously cant stop laughing, the expressions on everyone's faces is priceless.

It looks like the guys are satisfied after fluffing Andy enough to make him come. The thumbs up = "mission accomplished, who needs Viagra?!"
I like the "thumbs up" for change.haha

It looks like you guys just did oh so much speed