New Communic Track


Norwegian metallers COMMUNIC will release their new album, The Bottom Deep, on July 22nd via Nuclear Blast Records. The second album trailer has been released. Check out both trailers below:

The Bottom Deep tracklisting:

'Facing Tomorrow'
'Flood River Blood'
'Voyage Of Discovery'
'In Silence With My Scars'
'My Fallen'
'Destroyer Of Bloodlines'
'Wayward Soul'
'The Bottom Deep'

Bonus Track:
'In Union We Stand'

Eliran Kantor created the artwork for the album, and states: "The first draft of the lyrics from Oddleif made it clear that this is going to be a very personal, dark and vulnerable record - and I wanted the cover to reflect that. The vulture, nature's version of the grim reaper, caresses the dying man, casting a shadow reveling its true intentions and reason for this last visit. I put alot of myself into this artwork, and I think it turned out great."

Check out the artwork below:


Guitarist and band mastermind Oddleif Stensland comments on the new material: “Writing and recording this album has been an amazing - but strange experience. This time we took control over the production ourself, resulting in a more honest and organic sounding album. Never before have I put so much of my own personal influence and privacy into the lyrics and songs as this time. Right now I have a mixed feeling of fear and total excitement as we release the artwork and track listing for this new album. Now there is no return. To open myself this way, exposing my deepest and inner thoughts, in a way I have never done before. Its kinda strange, as it feels like these words and songs came from a part of me that I didn't know about. This is The Bottom Deep. This is the album that I never in my life thought I had to write – but now I know, this will be a totem in my life – forever!”

Dan Swanö, who mastered the album, states: "It was pure pleasure to work with these guys. The mix was excellent to start with, so I finally had the opportunity to work with gentle strokes rather than the big roller that I sometimes have to use to shape-up not-so-good mixes. Musically I enjoyed it very much. It's not easy to label their music (which is good). If I had to mention something, I get that amazing "epic" vibe of QUEENSRŸCHE 84-88. They definitely add something to the family of progressive metal."
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I really like the new tune ... hooked me after a couple spins. It's actually pretty catchy and contains some good riffs. I would put Communic on my short list of favorite bands over the past five or six years. They've got some good material. The only knock I ever really had with them is that some of their tunes tend to run 2 minutes longer than they probably should. I think they have fixed that problem some with their last disc.

Communic also has one of my favorite lines in a song in which to sing along with .... "The seaweeds in the ocean shall be my death bed" .. from Ocean Bed on their debut, Conspiracy In Mind.

I can't wait for this album. COMMUNIC is one of the best bands out there, and Oddleif is a brilliant songwriter, a fantastic guitarist and one of the most emotional vocalists.

This, x 100. I still feel lucky for getting to see them live. Their set in Atlanta a few years ago was killer!!

Under a Luminous Sky!!!!!!
Can't wait for the new album. One of my favorite bands right now. I hope really really hope that Glenn brings them on board for next years PP.
Love the band and their first two discs which are hard to compare to anything else out there. These guys really have a unique sound. Just never got around to picking up their third disc though - all the samples I heard from their third disc didn't grab me as being anything substantially different from the first two which I gave 9/10 and 10/10. The new sample from the fourth disc hasn't stood out from anything I've heard from them before. Not to say that it's not is. It's just not fresh enough to justify a purchase anytime soon. Hopefully other samples yet to be released from the new disc will offer something that contrasts a bit more with their previous body of exceptional work.
The closest comparison would probably be Nevermore ... kind of a different beast, but some of the riffing is similar and Oddleif and Warrel Dane definatelty have some similarities. I've heard people call Communic a Nevermore clone, but I'd never really bought in to that.

Sweet! Just the other day, I was listening to Conspiracy in Mind and thinking just how awesome these guys still are after listening to them for several years now. It got me wondering just what these guys were currently up to, i.e., are they coming up with something new, or if they even still existed as a band? Turns out I got my answer! Most looking forward to this as I've loved everything they've done so far.
Checking out the samples on Amazon. Yup! Definitely Commuic! Does sound pretty kick-ass. Their prior album is on eMusic, so I'll have to watch to see if this new album appears there as well.
Yes, this is an old thread, but related information follows...

'Facing Tomorrow', the new video from Norwegian progressive metallers COMMUNIC has debuted on YouTube below:

'Facing Tomorrow' is the lead track from Communic's latest album, The Bottom Deep, which was released last July via Nuclear Blast Records and hit the German Media Control charts at #73.
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Had no idea this was out. Thanks for the update. Purchased via iTunes immediately.
I actually dusted off Conspiracy in Mind just yesterday because it'd been a while. These guys fucking rule and they don't have a bad album. Cool to see them in that video! Thanks Scott!