New crap!


Aug 29, 2007
I just picked up one of those Firestudio Tube's to upgrade from the 2 Firepod's I was using. In addition to that I added a pair of Studio Project VTB-1's and an M-audio DMP3 just to have some different Mic Pre's.

I gotta say that the Tube is definetly better than the Firepod in case any of you were wondering. Drivers are a little iffy but I think Presonus and Cakewalk just aren't the best of friends. Anyways, if anyone was interested I thought I'd let you know that it is definetly an improvement over the firepods. And the 2 tube channels with a limiter actually sound pretty good! Definitely better than the Xmax Pre's.

The VTB-1's are pretty cool, especially for screaming vox, bass and distorted guitar, they can add a little something to to your tracks. The DMP3 is actually very clean and very VERY realistic sounding - not always a good thing, depending on what your trying to record. For example for screaming vocals it's sort of just a bit too realistic, but I have not yet tried it out on anything else yet, other than use for outboard processing. I would imagine on overheads and acoustics it will be nice, but that's just an assumption at this point. I will say that the DMP3 has lot's of headroom, 66 DB of gain! Which is good to push some of the more quiet dynamic mics.

When I send the outputs of the Firestudio Tube into the RNC, then back into the DMP3, like to crush the vocals or the drum buss, it really shines there, because there is very little coloration added to the music where as my ART PRO MPA or VTB-1 would definitely add their own character to it.

After having these, I can honestly say that the xmax pre's are kinda dull sounding but they do have their place, especially when tracking a full band.

I also had to build a front sided XLR panel since all my mic inputs are on the rear now. That was time consuming but fun, lot's of soldering.

Anyway just sharing my excitement with my new toys and my.02 if anyone has any questions about any of that equipment, then hit me up!

Sounds fucking awesome. Cool review on the mic pres too, I was looking at the VBT-1 or DMP3. Looks like I know which one I'm gonna go for. ;)
I'm with gorath!

BTW Elektric, how much did the front mounted mic panel run you to make? And, how many connections did you put on it? I'm thinking of making my own as well since all my inputs are in the rear and I'm tired of getting back there with a flashlight to see where the plugs are, lol. I may incorporate a patch bay as well to make reamping easier for me, might as well eh? Just kinda sucks to have a huge patch bay only to use a couple of the points.

I'm with gorath!

BTW Elektric, how much did the front mounted mic panel run you to make? And, how many connections did you put on it? I'm thinking of making my own as well since all my inputs are in the rear and I'm tired of getting back there with a flashlight to see where the plugs are, lol. I may incorporate a patch bay as well to make reamping easier for me, might as well eh? Just kinda sucks to have a huge patch bay only to use a couple of the points.


I'll throw up some pics soon... The front panel we made 14 XLR inputs. I was going to go with the the combo connectors but they looked like a pain to wire up so I just went with XLR. My panel I had punched out for 16 inputs , so the last 2 I have TRS pass through, which I have not yet decided what I am going to use them for, but they will probably be either instrument inputs or sort of a small patchbay. I got all the parts from Redco Audio, which set me back about a hundred bones. You could probably build your own patchbay that doesn't have a ton of inputs.. Don't know if it's economically better though, but for customization it is.