New Cut


always nice to hear the drums sound good, especially after the effort i went through on them. they're real, except for a blend of samples on the kick,snare and toms with the originals. i can go into detail if you want.

the leads were played by a buddy of mine in Ohio. his name's Jim Reindel and he's one of the most underrated players out there!
What's the story on the guitars? They sound like mid boosted to hell, low passed and cocked wah'd. If you could get a nice meaty tone and put some efx sends (typical verb and delay) on the vox, this shit would rock hard.
cool song, not digging the gutarsound though....drums sound cool...would be even cooler with less samples blended in (esp. on the kick).

I'd say make the drums even more real, if you can add roomics (dunno if you recorded some), work on the guitartone a bit and you've got an extremely rocking tune!
thanks guys.

man, didn't realize the gtrs were that f**ked up. i guess this is why we do this...

well, below is a link to a screen shot of boogex on one of the guitars. there are 4 total. all four have boogex and similar settings - although impulses are slightly different. the gtr tracks were recorded using a PODxt. does appear i got a little carried away with mids.

i rolled back the mids and highs to zero and took the curve back to default. also cut back on any eq that was being applied.

if anybody's interested, i re-uploaded it with the changes. i'd appreciate hearing if it sounds any better.

also - the vox do have a Verb and Delay send. maybe they need to be louder in the mix?
Sorry dude, I like the song, but as Lasse said, still not digging the guitar sound. According to your screenshot, you use the prefilter section in Boogex? I personally keep Boogex to be nearly transparent, except for the built in high/low pass (which I like).
Sorry dude, I like the song, but as Lasse said, still not digging the guitar sound. According to your screenshot, you use the prefilter section in Boogex? I personally keep Boogex to be nearly transparent, except for the built in high/low pass (which I like).

yea, i turned off all the prefilters, turned the curve back to default and uploaded a new version. i may have been uploading the new version when you listened. i'll wait and see if anybody else listens from this point forward and still thinks they have too much mid-gain. thanks.
I really like the song. However, as said before your guitar tone needs quite a bit of work. Your drums sound pretty good to me. I really like the kick sound. Vocals sound pretty good and I think the verb on the vocals is just fine how it is now. That really depends on your taste though. But yeah work on the guitar tone and you'll have a really nice song.
+1 to everything that's been said. The hi hat is also pretty loud and irritating. Take that down a little and work on the guitars and you'll have a much better mix.
i guess i need a little more info from people regardng what specifically it is about the guitars that's "not working". i adjusted the mids per comments earlier. would someone mind being a little more specific? thanks.

also, thanks for the note on the hats. do you think it's an EQ thing - or just too loud? i am boosting 10k (+1.7) and 15k (+2.9).

thank you for all the comments.
Honestly, I don't think any amount of EQ is going to fix the guitar sound. You need to go back and rework the source tone. You said you have a PODxt so you should be able to get a pretty good sound out of that.
The hats are just too loud. Maybe take the 15k down a little too.

The problem with the guitars is most likely the POD tone. I'd like to hear just the POD and boogex, with no EQing or processing.
The hats are just too loud. Maybe take the 15k down a little too.

The problem with the guitars is most likely the POD tone. I'd like to hear just the POD and boogex, with no EQing or processing.

i've updated the song with no EQ at all, just boogex and the original signal. through my monitors it sounds muddy, but let me know what you think.

15k removed from hats.

Yeah, something is definitely wrong here. I have a hard time even imagining that tone coming from a POD. Did you turn off cab emulation before recording from the POD?
Yeah, something is definitely wrong here. I have a hard time even imagining that tone coming from a POD. Did you turn off cab emulation before recording from the POD?

no, i didn't. didn't know about impulses when the tracks were recorded over a year ago. i guess at this point i should dink around with just the pod sound - although i'd rather not - unless someone else has a better idea.
There's the problem. I'd suggest sticking to the POD tone/cab and messing around with that. It'll sound leaps and bounds better than it does now.
There's the problem. I'd suggest sticking to the POD tone/cab and messing around with that. It'll sound leaps and bounds better than it does now.

thanks. i appreciate your time, and everybody's time, on helping out with this. to say i'm more than slightly discouraged by this would be an understatement. to find this out a week or so before mastering and the cd replication house is difficult. guess i should have brought this tune over earlier. my own fault. i'll work on just the pod tone and see how that goes and maybe upload another cut. thanks again. can't wait to reamp on the next project...