New Cyhra Album 2018-2019

Awwwww, poor Jesper being totally depressed by the shit music they produced back in 2004, so he left in 2010. Don't you hate it when you not only hate your lead singer, but the shit music he wants you to write for him as well, yet you stuck around for the mone--- erm, for the fans? Man, how much more delusional we need to get to reach some "holocaust has never happened"-level of revisionism?

First of all, how can anyone feel pity for the founding member who disliked one of his bandmates? It's his fucking band for God's sake. I have no idea how the law works, but either fire him or leave, but then negotiate a royalty for life after everything they sell under the name In Flames.

IF robbed the bank from R2R to CC, and while we could argue for an eternity who to be praised for that, I'm gonna make a wild guess that it wasn't Peter, nor Daniel. That leaves us with 3 members. These 3 guys all have the other 2 to thank for not having to work for a single second of their life, even if they'd suddenly lost their voice and got their arms saw off. I sure as hell would've sticked around for the money as well, no hard feelings there, but you don't get to be a greedy bastard AND a high-school bitch as well. Either leave during the glory days, and be poor but proud, or print money with a sad face and shut the fuck up.

You also casually forget that he was a drunk fuck. AGAIN. It blows my mind that in any other context you would give shit to a guy, who repeatedly can't hold his liquor, hell, I'm pretty sure statistically speaking some of you had a relative or friend you had to distance yourself from because they were just a complete waste of space due to alcohol or drugs. But in this fairy tail of yours you actually feel remorse for poor Jesper. Man, I sure wish I had a cult following on the internet who would defend me even if I'm literally waking up in my puke while being $$$$$$ thrown at me. #prayforjesper

It's also fascinating how you managed to cling on J's dick, even when he was dissing Anders like a bitch for years, without having ANY shots fired back at him. I wish Anders said just one negative thing about Jesper, because I could probably jerk off to the resulting hypocrisy in here. "He said WHAT???? How dares he????" I mean, I'm actually happy that Jesper managed to give an adult answer now, I guess it's never too late? Too bad you guys still act like chimps whenever this comes up.

And it shouldn't come up, honestly. We will never know what went down, and all we know that Jesper liked to shitcan himself, while Anders felt more and more like a primadonna. There shouldn't be much sympathy for any of them to begin with, but knowing how their problems were never big enough to turn down the big bucks, we shouldn't even care.

I'm glad Jesper can behave like an adolescent now, and I hope than in a decade, he will reach full maturity by shutting down stupid questions like that. "Soo, you and Anders..." - dude, Chyra is releasing new music. Who the fuck cares about Anders or instilling some manbaby drama once again? One can dream. For a start I'd be happy if Jesper could prove himself musically once again, because reusing IF tunes while understandably safe, should not pass for their second record.
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Awwwww, poor Jesper being totally depressed by the shit music they produced back in 2004, so he left in 2010. Don't you hate it when you not only hate your lead singer, but the shit music he wants you to write for him as well, yet you stuck around for the mone--- erm, for the fans?
No one said that. Jesper did not say that. I'm not gonna read the rest of your post. It's way too long.
No one said that. Jesper did not say that. I'm not gonna read the rest of your post. It's way too long.
You project way too much into that sentence. All it meant to convey is that all his bitching is absolutely nullified by the fact that he sticked around for the money.

Then again, I wouldn't read it further even. I mean, even an English major suddenly loses his ability to understand the language, and asks the question what Jesper meant by "we". You have to try real hard for that.
You project way too much into that sentence. All it meant to convey is that all his bitching is absolutely nullified by the fact that he sticked around for the money.

Why the fuck did you not just write that then, you bell? Here's an idea Slave - when you're pounding on those keys, so passionately defending Anders that you're drooling on the keyboard as you do so, stop and take a breath. A long, long breath. Think about it. Go over your post and delete 75% of it - trust me, it'll be for the best. Keep the most relevant stuff in and only then hit post reply. We'll all be better off for it. There are some nice folks here who will at least pretend they've read all of your novellas, but most of us are going to get to three paragraphs max before giving up.
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You project way too much into that sentence. All it meant to convey is that all his bitching is absolutely nullified by the fact that he sticked around for the money.
Bitching about what? When did he say that he not liked the music that he made? Maybe I lost something in the way.
IF robbed the bank from R2R to CC, and while we could argue for an eternity who to be praised for that, I'm gonna make a wild guess that it wasn't Peter, nor Daniel. That leaves us with 3 members. I sure as hell would've sticked around for the money as well, no hard feelings there, but you don't get to be a greedy bastard AND a high-school bitch as well. Either leave during the glory days, and be poor but proud, or print money with a sad face and shut the fuck up.

And it shouldn't come up, honestly. We will never know what went down, and all we know that Jesper liked to shitcan himself, while Anders felt more and more like a primadonna. There shouldn't be much sympathy for any of them to begin with, but knowing how their problems were never big enough to turn down the big bucks, we shouldn't even care.

Who the fuck cares about Anders or instilling some manbaby drama once again? One can dream. For a start I'd be happy if Jesper could prove himself musically once again, because reusing IF tunes while understandably safe, should not pass for their second record.

@eochaid I've condensed Slave's original post for easier reading. It's fine once you strip away the unnecessary BS.
Why the fuck did you not just write that then, you bell? Here's an idea Slave - when you're pounding on those keys, so passionately defending Anders that you're drooling on the keyboard as you do so, stop and take a breath. A long, long breath. Think about it. Go over your post and delete 75% of it - trust me, it'll be for the best. Keep the most relevant stuff in and only then hit post reply. We'll all be better off for it. There are some nice folks here who will at least pretend they've read all of your novellas, but most of us are going to get to three paragraphs max before giving up.
You make a deal out of a sarcastic jab. Ooooh, he tooootally didn't stay for the money, must've been for the fans and his good conscience!!

Want me to put /s after the sentences like people do on reddit?

Also, one of my point was why is this a topic to begin with. How fucking sad is that we are through this shit in the IF threads AND we are through this shit in the first Cyhra thread, but even on the first page of this new thread you discuss: 1. Anders 2. Jesper talking shit about Anders 3. Theoryzing about the conflict between Jesper and Anders.

For how "irrelevant" IF and Anders now, they sure get dragged into the most unnecessary shit. Also, it must be real hard being a Cyhra fan, when you have to listen to this made up drama, because even rehashing this for the 100th time is apparently more exciting than a brand new record, lol.

edit: Oh, and the classic:

- I don't really dig Jake's voi--

how about we restart this thread without all these inferiority complexes flying around, and treat Cyhra like an entity that is capable of being more than lurking in the shadow of IF + old Jesper? YOu know, tabula rasa.
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You make a deal out of a sarcastic jab. Ooooh, he tooootally didn't stay for the money, must've been for the fans and his good conscience!!
Once again... When did he say that the albums were shit? I'm talking about the guy who said that asop was a highly underrated album.

It's just that you read Jesper and Anders in the same sentence and all hell breaks loose ( in your mind).
I read it but I don't get what he's talking about:D

I think most of it is a somewhat crazy response to Jabi mentioning that Jesper looked bored during STYE live performances. Basically saying Jesper should have quit or fired Anders, the first being an extreme overreaction considering how good CC was, and the second being a misconception of how being in a band works. I think he's equating Jesper being a founding member to being the chairman of a company or something :D just a lack of understanding in general.

You make a deal out of a sarcastic jab. Ooooh, he tooootally didn't stay for the money, must've been for the fans and his good conscience!!

Want me to put /s after the sentences like people do on reddit?

I'd rather you just posted in a normal fashion tbh, but it seems beyond you.

Also, one of my point was why is this a topic to begin with. How fucking sad is that we are through this shit in the IF threads AND we are through this shit in the first Cyhra thread, but even on the first page of this new thread you discuss: 1. Anders 2. Jesper talking shit about Anders 3. Theoryzing about the conflict between Jesper and Anders.

Those of us here are having a decent discussion. It's obviously triggered you for whatever reason but the rest of us are doing just fine, so maybe just don't post if you aren't interested? Especially as you don't even like Cyhra. A bit weird that you'd get so emotionally involved in something you think is sad. You don't have to reply to any of this or even look at the thread, you know. Might be something to consider, for your own sake if nothing else. I'm worried this stuff is going to cause your brain to explode.

how about we restart this thread without all these inferiority complexes flying around, and treat Cyhra like an entity that is capable of being more than lurking in the shadow of IF + old Jesper? YOu know, tabula rasa.

Again, we're all doing just fine thanks. The only one with a problem is you, so, maybe think on that. I'm sure your conclusion will be that you're superior to the rest of us and we need your words of wisdom, but, I can assure you we don't. Thanks for stopping by though.
Circlejerkes are doing fine circlejerking. What an absolute surprise that you felt good in your echo chamber. :)

I'm indifferent about Cyhra; still have 2 songs from them on my music player, so I most certainly don't hate them.
It looks like a can of worms was opened. :D

All I originally wanted to say is that I'd guess both Jesper and Anders are to blame for their worsened relations.

I posted the Jesper quote because I felt that unlike in some other comments he's made, in this one he was actually showing a sense self-reflection. "We never really managed to got along" suggests that while he's saying he considers Anders a part of the problem, he does admit being at fault himself, too.

I'll admit that now that I think of it, would've probably been wiser not to post the damn quote at all. I agree that this shit is getting old. However, I feel some parts of your response were a bit unnecessary as well. But that's ok.
Don't mind Slave. The mere sight of Anders and Jesper in the same sentence causes him to go haywire and start lashing out. Nobody in this thread has said anything remotely contentious. Just a bit of discussion over the fallout between Anders/Jesper over the years. You'd think we'd been discussing ways to get Anders head on a pike for the next Cyhra album cover and suggesting the album title should be "FUCK YOU ANDERS" with the In Flames logo drawn on a penis.
“Forever” Japanese bonus track from first album now released world wide.

“This song is an interesting collaboration between many different songwriters,” said singer Jake E. “The song was first written by Grammy Award nominated songwriter/artist Randy Goodrum -previous work includes Toto, Steve Perry, Michael Bolton, Chicago, Diztord, and more.”

He continued, “When I first heard the demo of the song, I begged on my knees to get approval to make my own version. Luckily, it was approved and we got free hands in Cyhra to contribute and make our version of it. It ended up as the Japanese bonus track for Letters to Myself and I’m happy to have it released to the rest of the world as it’s an amazing song.”
Weird to mention Michael Bolton in a metal thread, but there you go... song is a slow ballad as you would expect.
Well, I guess I'll listen to it before making any judgement. Would have preferred a more Karma-like song than a ballad, but I figure the next album will go more in the direction of Karma.

For the record I wasn't trying to "bury" Slave :D I just think he massively overreacted to what was a decent discussion.
Going on with the diacussion, I think it's mainly Jesper's fault because of his Facebook posts. He later tried to solve things with other Facebook posts but it was too late. Remember that he said that he was going to attend one of the band's shows and there was no response coming from them.