New Daath Album


djenital moosic
Feb 17, 2006
This is from Blabbermouth

DAATH drummer Kevin Talley — who has previously recorded and/or toured with DYING FETUS, CHIMAIRA, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, THE RED CHORD, HATE ETERNAL, M.O.D., MISERY INDEX and SUFFOCATION — has issued the following update:

"I am very stoked to say that I will be playing Ozzfest '08 with my friends in DEVILDRIVER. I have known them since 2005 — great people and great music. I am currently learning 17 songs and will meet up with them July 31 to rehearse in California.

"I recently spent two weeks in Georgia jamming new material with DAATH and it was awesome. We also received a final master for a song on the new album. It absolutely destroys, crushes, etc. and I can't wait for it to come out. I wish it was out today but it takes a while. Hopefully it will be out this fall so stay tuned to the DAATH MySpace because we should be adding a new song soon. I also did some studio drumming for some bands while down in Atlanta. After seven years of session work, I feel that I am really good at writing drum parts and recording for several styles of metal/hard rock. So if you know someone in need of a drummer, please have them get in touch with me."

DAATH recorded its new album, "The Concealers", with producer Jason Suecof (TRIVIUM, CHIMAIRA) and Mark Lewis of Florida's AudioHammer studios.

DAATH recently announced the addition of vocalist Sean Z. to the group's ranks.

Hey Mark care to give us some details? :kickass:
gonna tell you why they call me steve ive got LEEGGGGGGSSSS

I heard the dudes running through some of the new songs, it sounds awesome. Sean Z is a beast.
Enjoying a much needed vacation right now guys so here goes...

The DÅÅTH record, what can i say? FUCK! Its amazing man, i dont really know how to approach it in press/forums etc... Its most definitely the most UNIQUE record i've ever had my hands on and undoubtedly the most work any of us have ever done. Its not the type of "work" many of you think im saying either, the album IS WHAT IT IS, its real and its them and its what i think alot of records are missing these days. Maybe i'm biased but i cant say enough about this record...i just hope it doesnt fly over peoples heads. So dense harmonically and musically i just love it. All 5 of those guys are critical to the process.

Im gonna do a proper bloggin here soon on all the projects i've been working on now that im not a fucking computer zombie.

Back to DAATH...

Drums were our DW kit with the typical head treatment. Clear emps top and ambassadors bottom.

Km184s overhead with some sm81s and 451s here and there. We actually tried Audix D6's on the toms (yes toms) as well as the kicks. 421s on bottom of the toms and its very cool sound that im not sure i've heard before, au natural as well... no replaced toms at all.

The snare was a jordison sig snare with an audix I5 on top, AE3000 on the shell and 57 on the bottom. Once again very unique, but fitting.

Guitars were my typical treatment but somehow VERY unique as well haha.

Two mesa cabs, one with an I5 and a rectifier through vintech pres. One with a 57 and 201 through API and vintech.

This guitar sound is really cool...the whole album itself is very dry and present with a huge low end. Im really stoked that we made an album that sounded like this.

The bass was a MESA rig... the strategy power amp and cab and the formula pre. Sounds NASTY, jeremy is a really great bassist. Since he is a former cellist he tunes his bass crazy something like CGDG. Some very cool bass lines on this record, its a true rhythm section.

Sean Z's treatment was the norm... SM7- API - DBX 165 that guy is wow.

Also, this may be a bold statement, but seriously... and i mean seriously, Emil is the best guitarist in metal in my opinion... the guy is a freak. Not even really sure whys he in a metal band... im sure he could the timberlake gig or somethin like that in a second.

Thats all i can share for now!
Thanks alot Mark, Its appreciated. Cant wait to hear it.:kickass:

Did they happen to shoot some studio footage we can check out?
Mark, what the hell are you doing in forums while on vacation?

Get your black ass home and finish my album... :heh:
Guess who? :headbang:
My guess is they'll do a special edition DVD extra or something like that.

The record is going to blow minds, everybody really stepped it up. Dittoing what Mark said about Emil, he's ridiculous. [ame=]have some shred[/ame]
Guitars were my typical treatment but somehow VERY unique as well haha.

Two mesa cabs, one with an I5 and a rectifier through vintech pres. One with a 57 and 201 through API and vintech.

This guitar sound is really cool...the whole album itself is very dry and present with a huge low end. Im really stoked that we made an album that sounded like this.

Hey Mark,

since the album has been out for like a month, can you share some further details on guitars for that album ?

Was it PRS -> 5150 -> the Mesa cab/mic thingie you described ?

Also my buddy Ole from Eyeless (remember them ? :) ) told me you & Jason sometimes used an EQ in between the guitar and the amp to "prefilter" the sound to make it sound right already before it hits the amp... unless i misunderstood him, do you guys do that ?
The guitar used for tracking rhythms was my jackson soloist with a dimarzio evolution pickup in the bridge.

Used the recto and 5150 and the recto was very dominant in the mix. I felt it was the cooler tone for the album and the band agreed. Its a really dry low gain sound that only someone like Emil could get away with playing. He plays so hard and precise that we were able to use such a unique tone.

You can really hear the crazy amount of dynamic and skill that goes into his playing on a song like self corruption manifesto especially the single notey open note riffs that he does toward the end of the song. It doesnt sound hard but goddam its precise and very difficult to get those notes to stick out the way he did. All the low notes were with an upstroke super hard and he had a really cool almost circular picking thing going on with the riff. Much harder stuff than it sounds. The whole album is like that. A few people have said the riffs are generic (which i strongly disagree) but if you sit down and try to match the dynamics etc... its a bit of a mindfuck, believe me.

Just try to rip that riff in sharpen the blades as clean as it he does, man its tough!

Anyway enough of that crap... i'll try and answer more questions if there is any.

Oh and as far as what Ole said, yeah sometimes thats true. I sometimes do eq the di a little to get more of what i want... but not too often. I have used the boss eq before for boosting but its SOO noisy that i usually use a plugin and it sounds much better anyway.
I've been digging this album a lot lately. The production is KILLER. The music doesn't really beat you over the head with technicality but you can tell they are wicked tight players. All the layering and little twists really grow on me the more I listen to it. They have thier own thing going on a bit for sure. :headbang: