New DAW: Presonus Studio One


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So I'm not sure how many of you guys are aware of this, but Presonus are cooking up a new DAW for the market.

It is being designed by ex-Steinberg developers, KristalLabs.

Founded in 2006 by Wolfgang Kundrus and Matthias Juwan, KristalLabs is a start-up company with extensive experience in the music software industry.

Wolfgang Kundrus was the main software architect of "Cubase" and "Nuendo" while working at Steinberg. He is the founder of the "MusicDock" online platform.

Matthias Juwan was working on various commercial software products, among others "Cubase", "HALion", "Plex" and the VST plug-in technology, while at Steinberg. He is the lead developer of the well-known freeware sequencer "KRISTAL Audio Engine".

KristalLabs is working on next-generation software solutions for music production on PC and Macintosh.

KristalLabs is based in Hamburg, Germany.

I'm really keeping my eye on this one as it looks to add a host of workflow enhancements to many modern daws. The integrated mastering suite looks fantastic, as does the overall UI and workflow (from what the videos show).

Here's to hoping that they don't force you to run a dongle and become a viable alternative to the Cubendo dungheap!
Because it penalizes legitimate buyers? I've got plenty of stuff I need to have in my USB ports without having to shove in some useless plastic piece of crap. It's even worse with Digidesign - their dongles are huge!
Here's to hoping that they don't force you to run a dongle and become a viable alternative to the Cubendo dungheap!

Hey Ermz, I was sure that you posted in this thread on Gearslutz?!
I relation to your question, no it will not have a dongle. It also looks like it will not have hardware inserts with delay compensation built-in with the v1.0 release, but they're working on it (reference).

It will have AU and VST3 support, V1.0 should be available this summer and is expected to cost $400.

I'm interested in its audio editing capabilities as I believe that a lot of newer DAWs are dropping the ball on this one. They seem to be forgetting that this is the only reason a lot of people are sticking with Pro-Tools (and Beat Detective).
But then again, if it had these great features, I'm sure they would have shown them off in the videos (I haven't seen all of the videos yet so I cannot be certain).
Yeah, they don't seem to be even trying to compete with PT in terms of editing. I don't blame them... PT has refined its editing workflow for a while and it would take quite an effort to top. Nobody seems to have come close yet. Hopefully in later versions they consider it.

Total shame about the lack of hardware inserts... that makes it useless to me in its first iteration then. So many people use hybrid set-ups, it's a massive oversight.
I don't expect any DAW to compete with PT's editing capabilities, but if they at least got the groundwork right and improve it over time it'd be a good start.
I'm sure that they'll get the hardware inserts issue sorted out in no time. Considering that they're realeasing a DAW, they really have their hands full!
If they work on things as quickly as the Reaper guys and actively listen to the community they'll surely do well, as a lot of people are sick of Digidesign and Steinberg dropping the ball time and time again.
I don't expect any DAW to compete with PT's editing capabilities, but if they at least got the groundwork right and improve it over time it'd be a good start.
I'm sure that they'll get the hardware inserts issue sorted out in no time. Considering that they're realeasing a DAW, they really have their hands full!
If they work on things as quickly as the Reaper guys and actively listen to the community they'll surely do well, as a lot of people are sick of Digidesign and Steinberg dropping the ball time and time again.

I dig the different views (you can make yours in any daw, but if there's a mastering view implemented that could show a master track already visually peaked in order to master it without creating a session for that would be cool). And the automatic update in the mastering project if a song is updated is just awesome, and yet such a simple idea to implement.

The controller/parameter link button is cool too.

$400 seems correct for such a product, if it finally is stable and powerful.