new Deicide album...


Jul 30, 2002
Belo Horizonte / Minas Gerais / Brasil
In a recent interview with Britain's Live4Metal, DEICIDE drummer Steve Asheim revealed details about the band’s forthcoming album: "We've got three or four songs we've been working with. It
sounds like DEICIDE. It's all it's cracked up to be DEICIDE-wise. It'll be heavy with brutal vocals, Satanic, and slobbering”.
insineratehymn sucked hard..I don't see why Deicide is so praised around here..Legion wasn't bad but fuck everything else is just rehashed weaker shit from the previous albums. Glen Benton is a fucking tard...
oh hell come on
you dont need to go all saying all shit about the band
the dude just posted that their making a new album
no one is interested in reading the negative shit ur typing anyways.
They are off roadrunner now, perhaps they will feel some sort of inspiration to make good metal again after several lackluster albums.

btw, did you read that glenn benton is in vital remains now on vocals? despite what deicide has become, he still rules on vox, and vital remains is the shit. the new one is done and coming out on olympic in the states. can't wait.