New Demo! Gearbox - Superior 2.0


Mar 27, 2007
Hey guys! This is my first song in a long time. I suck programing drums, I'm not a drummer, so...

No bass, no vocals yet.


Do you like the song/mix?.
Very Clean Guitar sound.

for the drums try to play with more crash, try more feeling by playing on velocity.
cool stuff :)
Sorry...didn't see this post earlier. Listening to it right now as writing this. Give me some bass :) Dude, I like it! Nice guitar tone (could be just a tad brighter IMO), what patch/model did you use? Very catchy stuff.
As stated before, the guitar sound is very clean (in a good way) but imo it could use a bit more gain. The drums could vary more too, they sound very monophonic atm. Fiddling with the Hi-hats velocities vould help I guess, as well as adding some cymbals in there.
If you can play that tight, why not quadriple the guitar tracks? That would give it more gain automatically... very tight btw, nice!
I can judge it better with bass though, it's hard to be critical on what is initially a dry mix with missing elements.. that being said, it sounds cool so far.

Oh yeah, transitions should have cymbals dude.. i cant stress this enough! some people forget cymbals on crucial moments of a song.. it needs it.
Yeah the tone is really good, perhaps a bit bassheavy. But it's hard to tell without a bass.
It needs vocals, but I think you know that. It will be interesting to hear it when the song is completed.