New Design The Skyline


Oct 15, 2010
Everyone propably knows the infamous band "Desing The Skyline" and the first single we heard from them. Absolutely horrible.

BUT it seems like they have released the whole album now and I've got to say... It's not half bad.

The cleans vocals still suck major ass but otherwise seems a LOT better than the first single.

I think they should ditch the clean parts. This band could actually become something after that.
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God this is awfully boring :/

This describes so many deatchore bands I lost count. Even though this isn't straight forward deathcore and at times is nothing in that genre. But I've got to admit these guys stand out a bit from the usual. Even when we don't count the publicity stunt-song.

But that might be just me.
Honestly, for me, boring deathcore > Design the Skyline... This synth-pop blend with awful bad screams doesn't work for me, and I'm not talking about the cleans. It's useless to say "let's say they don't have cleans, it would be good"... there is so much of them everywhere! You can like it... but heh, I'm having trouble understanding how this is standing out from all the other synth-pop-core bands in any point.
screams sound like absolute horse shit. Cleans don't sound too bad, mix wise. Hell of alot better than the screams. Hate this band sooo much.
Those vocals do not sit well in the mix at all. Cover art is actually pretty cool though.

Edit: Ah i see the sturgis beat me to it.

Double edit: I knew that name looked familiar. I'm really surprised because he mixed another band from corpus christi called The Periwinkle Massacre that I know through mutual people and the mix was actually decent.

a total joey clone, but not half bad. Musics kinda generic but their guitarists got skizzills
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a total joey clone, but not half bad.

joey wannabe maybe... the production is washed out and compressed to hell.

reverb on the vocals woah!

the song stinks so bad, i can smell it with my laptop closed.

just my opinion, though.
There's nothing wrong with a lot of compression, it's pretty important to that sound. But everything on that mix is SOOOO squashed, with the wrong sort of compression by the sounds of things.