New Devildriver video

Totally! And I agree with Andy, too!

Also: what is this weird thing that is blended half over Dez's jaw sometimes?

What I don't like about the video is that it just looks super-cheaply made. As if they sat at home with Magix Video Maker for an afternoon ...

You have no clue what you're talking about - the amount and quality of CG in this video is staggering and rarely seen. This is major-movie-level, and major-label-level stuff. Definitely not a budget video by any stretch. I don't know how this looks cheap to you - do you have any idea how much work and ingenuity it must have taken to produce this video? The director deserves awards for this one. The only metal video I've seen that comes close in terms of overall production level is Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse."
You have no clue what you're talking about - the amount and quality of CG in this video is staggering and rarely seen. This is major-movie-level, and major-label-level stuff. Definitely not a budget video by any stretch. I don't know how this looks cheap to you - do you have any idea how much work and ingenuity it must have taken to produce this video? The director deserves awards for this one. The only metal video I've seen that comes close in terms of overall production level is Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse."

Sorry, Shane, I appreciate your musical outputs and mixing skills, but this video is "nothing more" than a band recorded in front of a green screen and then images superimposed/blended in (the blending is actually pretty bad - but maybe that is on purpose ... to create a certain "old horror mood").

The backgrounds don't even move along with the circular motion around the drummer, for example.

During my first comment I only watched the first minute, now I watched it completely and it gets better towards the end because the weird overlays in the corners get less.

I occasionally work with final cut pro and shake (I am not very familiar with these programs, though) and all of this is easily doable in a few days. The only thing that sticks out a bit is the "x-ray-bones" effect.

The song is pretty cool, though ...
You have no clue what you're talking about - the amount and quality of CG in this video is staggering and rarely seen. This is major-movie-level, and major-label-level stuff. Definitely not a budget video by any stretch. I don't know how this looks cheap to you - do you have any idea how much work and ingenuity it must have taken to produce this video? The director deserves awards for this one. The only metal video I've seen that comes close in terms of overall production level is Dimmu Borgir's "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse."

*sniffs the air* whats that? do I smell sarcasm?
Sorry, Shane, I appreciate your musical outputs and mixing skills, but this video is "nothing more" than a band recorded in front of a green screen and then images superimposed/blended in (the blending is actually pretty bad - but maybe that is on purpose ... to create a certain "old horror mood").

The backgrounds don't even move along with the circular motion around the drummer, for example.

During my first comment I only watched the first minute, now I watched it completely and it gets better towards the end because the weird overlays in the corners get less.

I occasionally work with final cut pro and shake (I am not very familiar with these programs, though) and all of this is easily doable in a few days. The only thing that sticks out a bit is the "x-ray-bones" effect.

The song is pretty cool, though ...

1) From a technical perspective, I am familiar with all of the methods used to do this video, as I have some experience with CG, green screening, and video in general.

2) The backgrounds DO, in fact, move perfectly along with the circular panning around the drummer. Watch it again.

3) The "bad blending" you're referring to is actually intentional outlining or "stroking" of all of the band members and dancing girls. It's not an "old horror" effect either, it's something infinitely more precise than could have ever been achieved in the 60s, etc. They could have blended the people into the background smoothly (in some shots, they do) - they chose not to, probably because everything in the video is very dark otherwise. Outlines help give life to things...

4) The "x-ray bones" isn't an effect as much as it is incredibly good CG work. They had to model, script, and animate 3d skeletons to perfectly match the footage underneath, then do some incredibly killer alpha blending to give it the x-ray effect. This is not easy stuff and undoubtedly took many man-hours and a lot of processing power.

Disclaimer - although I am a friend of the band - NONE of what I am saying is coming from them or anyone else - this is purely based on my observations of the video, and my experience with 3d animation and video.

PS - Roadrunner is hosting a higher resolution version:
Titties and faceless chicks rule!
I love seeing stripper type chikcs dance around to stuff like this .....
Chicks rawk!

did I say "chicks" enough this time?
Yeah, although I guess I haven't mentioned it in a while. I'm not really the name-dropping type, I figure everyone on this forum knows somebody in the business who's seen greater success than they have themselves, etc..

Damn thats sweet, yeah I know what you mean. I think im one of the very few that litrally know nobody in the bussiness :( :cry:
I am dead serious. It sucks that an amazing video like this somehow comes off as low-budget to you. Seriously, wtf?

I don't think its low-budget, really. I think I just compared it to a Rob Zombie vid (which I assume isn't low-budget). I figured there was a bit of time going into the special effects and production. For me though, I just didn't enjoy the video that much, but I did like the song. Maybe Devil Driver has gotten a new fan out of me.