New Dimmu Borgir Video (invisible oranges and all the fix'ns)


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
Myspace said:
"The Chose​n Legac​y"​ is the t​hird video​ made in suppo​rt of In Sorte​ Diabo​li, which​ is also inclu​ded on the bands​ upcom​ing 2DVD+​CD relea​se,​ The Inval​uable​ Darkn​ess,​ set to be​ relea​sed on Oc​tober​ 10 (​Europ​e)​ and Octob​er 14 (​North​ Ameri​ca)​.​

Not as lame as the previous video, but the song isn't as good.

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haha, I love that thing Galder always does when he's playing guitar for the camera when he turns his head sideways, just over a minute in this vid...lulz :lol:

The video is still a bit on the lame side. I really don't like their image anymore. It's like they progressively started turning into Gwar or something.

Haha I was thinking that as I was watching, pretty soon Shagrath is gonna have a big fake dick shooting blood everywhere lol. Liked the vid, love the song. That one double bass part during the second in sorte diabole chant is so crazy, Ive never heard faster.
Having a gigantic dick isn't as fun as everyone thinks, not everyone has fingers like that guy. And if i'd like a blowjob the only people who could pull it off would be Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler, and they're not exactly easy to contact.
I like the song but there's better songs on ISD that they should've made a video of over this. The Sinister Awakening, The Fundamental Alienation and the Foreshadowing Furnace are clearly better.