New Dimmu Borgir Video (invisible oranges and all the fix'ns)

I did care for the song or anything. I can't wait for the new Old Man's Child on the other hand.
That video was gay as fuck, I guess at the very least it made me lol a few times. The new album sucks too, but then considering the previous 4 or 5 or whatever also suck... not much of a suprise.
Definitely awful, even by Dimmu standards.
Where the fuck was Vortex? Needs more Vortex vocals. He looks at least 10 feet tall in the video though.
Honestly, with Vortex I found his backing vocals on "In Sorte Diaboli" to be a bit out of place maybe - where I think his previous stuff with Dimmu worked incredibly well, most notably on "Spiritual Black Dimensions".
Dimmu Borgir need to get their shit together, find a fucking drummer(it really bugs me they don't find a permanent drummer), quit worrying about the imagery, and concentrate on some decent music for once in a million millenium moons. They are past their peak, or they need to rekindle the spirit, the fire, and the atmosphere of evilness. They should make some epic long songs like they used to, ones you can get lost in, forever lost to the darkness.
I have the Stormblast MMV and Death Cult Armaggedon. Stormblast is excellent, DCA is okay. Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse is an excellent song, there was one other good one, the rest is meh. What else (if anything) should I get? I should note that I kinda like the symphonic thrashy sound they've been going for, but I like the idea of it more than the actual music they've been creating. I thought the video was retarded but the song, while uninteresting, didn't upset me.
That video was pretty hilarious, especially the Galder thing Vossyrus mentioned in the third or fourth post. Anyway, they're some kind of weird fucking melo-death/blackened metalcore sounding awful hybrid now, it's so damn dumb sounding.
I have the Stormblast MMV and Death Cult Armaggedon. Stormblast is excellent, DCA is okay. Progenies Of The Great Apocalypse is an excellent song, there was one other good one, the rest is meh. What else (if anything) should I get? I should note that I kinda like the symphonic thrashy sound they've been going for, but I like the idea of it more than the actual music they've been creating. I thought the video was retarded but the song, while uninteresting, didn't upset me.

Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Spiritual Black Dimensions are miles ahead of DCA.
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Stormblast and For All Tid are great. I haven't really listened to Spiritual Black Dimensions much but it sounds okay, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia has its moments.. everything after that sounds pretty shit.
I think I've grown tired of the symphonic side of Dimmu...and if they release another album like "In Sorte Diaboli" I probably won't care.
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant and Spiritual Black Dimensions are miles ahead of DCA.
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Stormblast and For All Tid are great. I haven't really listened to Spiritual Black Dimensions much but it sounds okay, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia has its moments.. everything after that sounds pretty shit.

For All Tid, Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, and probably the original of Stormblast are all going somewhere near the bottom of my "to get" list, which is at this point probably 1-2000 albums long.