New Dismember


Beyond The Nothingness
Aug 11, 2003
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Why isn't this doing much for me? I bought it earlier today and i'm on my third time listening to it now, and it still hasn't hit me yet. I practically love all of their albums including Hate Campaign which some say was their worst ever. I don't know. Maybe I should listen to it more and let it sink in. I just didn't hit me right off like all of their other releases did. It sounds good and everything and has great production, but I don't know. Something is missing.

So, is there anyone else here who has this and just ain't feeling it?
None_So_Vile said:
Im enjoying it but im a n00b to Dismember, its the only album i have although ive literally just ordered Like An Everflowing Stream this second
This is a good album. I should imagine it is better than the new one, although I haven't heard the latter.
I personally like it. They ditched most of the melodeath influence that found its way into their sound after Indecent and Obscene. It is their most death metal CD since Indecent and Obscene. I suppose it can disappoint if you were expecting another Like an Everflowing Stream or something.
Warlord Of Death said:
Rip off's piss me off, unless they can pull it off well even then it still pisses me off. I might check them out, if their not too generic I'm just a big fan of Dismember, their sound and all of their stuff buzzsaw guitars and all.
That Fleshcrawl cd has the buzzsaw guitars and pretty melodic, I'm not familiar with Fleshcrawl's old stuff but they sound different from the cd before this one, it's a good cd not unique but fun to listen too
Descend Into the Absurd is a great CD, though it does not sound like old school Swedish death metal at all. IMO it sounds more like plain old school death metal, and somewhat reminds me of Demigod - The Slumber of Sullen Eyes (a fucking great CD too BTW). I actually like Descend Into the Absurd the best out of all the Fleshcrawl CDs. They changed their sound after that CD I believe. Dismember, especially their first two CDs, are pretty much on par with post-Descend Into the Absurd Fleshcrawl.
I prefer "Like An Ever Flowing Stream" and "Death Metal" to "Where The Ironcrosses Grow". By far.

The only problem I have with "Like An Ever Flowing Stream" is that the songs don't seem to have that much of a longevity as the songs on, say, Gorguts' "From Wisdom To Hate". I've found myself growing tired of some of my favourite songs on LAEFS. That rarely happens with more complex death metal like Immolation. Oh well.
Like an Everflowing Stream is a classic old school Swedish death metal CD. The songs are heavy and as catchy as hell. I find that the last two songs, Deathevocation and Defective Decay, are filler, since they are much weaker than the rest. Otherwise, it is an absolutely killer CD; one of the top 10 death metal CDs of all time IMO.